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Help with DNS settings

  Suzuki Ignis
Right Ive set up a temporary website just to show a few bits of work until I can afford to get a proper one built.

Anyway its just a Wix template and the wix address works fine

Now ive bought the domain through and in the DNS settings ive put the IP in but the address isnt working.
And ive bought the hosting package via wix.

The instructions ive followed are here.

Im assuming the IP contained in those instructions are individual to me, is that right? The IP for me is

I have waited 24 hours for it to updatebtw.
Oh and another thing is that it works on my laptop but not on my PC. But im guessing thats because ive done all the work on my laptop and the data is stored in the cache.

Any help would be appriciated.
Thanks, Moz
  185lb/ft dCi
your dns servers might not have updated yet even though your websites ones have. Its working on my computer too, I use opendns for my internet, alot quicker than ISP's and update faster too!
  Suzuki Ignis
Hmm doesnt work on my PC. Just comes up with a '123-reg has this domain registered' page. Cant think what it could be. What browser's you guys using?
  Suzuki Ignis
Working now, good old restart.

Thanks for the help.

Let me know what you think of the site. Is the slideshow taking ages to load up? I might change it so the first is the Bio so the sideshow have a few seconds to load up before you notice it lagging.
