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help with precision power Amp

does any one here have a precision power amp i have got a 1500rms i need some help!
  Polo + Micra
yeah there is no need for triple posting. lol

if you had said what the problem is someone might have be able to help
Sorry I didn’t mean to post twice lol and I don’t know how to delete it sorry people.

The problem I am having is that I have wired up my amp, and turned it on and the power light appears on in green but also the “Clip light” in red which shouldn’t be on I removed all the speaker cables and Phono plugs from the amp and left the live, ground and REM in place but it still happens and don’t have a clue why

- Stuart -
  Polo + Micra
sounds like it might be a bad earth so you arn't getting enough voltage at the amp
