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Hey guys, new member

  mk2 ph1
Hey people, im new to CS.

Im 18 and have a modded clio, mk2 1, 99', will be going to uni next month in swansea :)

Im sure it wont be to everyones tastes but i like it and you cant really please everyone.

Im here to learn about my car, and stuff i need to know as future plans mean im going into areas i dont really know about. Also want to give my opinion and share my experience with others.

Few pics,





Plans are bigger brakes next, and when i have some money together i will look into a new engine or buying a higher model :D.

Like i've said in another thread ill be at Welsh Car Show with SWC, theres 150 cars on there stand but my should be on a seperate stand with only 18 cars, so come say hi, as i can be quite shy lol.

  RS Meg 175
Welcome matey, liking the flared arches looks shweet, would look the badgers nadgers with a more subtle front a back bumper imo
but nice work fella :D
  mk2 ph1
Cheers for the replies guys, really appreciate it.

I bought the front and rear bumpers when i couldnt drive and didnt really have a clue, wont of gone for them if i could choose again. The colour is super sonic blue, looks lovely in the daylight :).

Oh, when i first got the car it was white, and not in the best of shape, will post up some pics when i find them.
  mk2 ph1
pecan said:
Sounds like you've spent some money on it then.

Yeh a bit, scary when i think about it. In ways i wish i had just gone for something new and a higher model but insurance is such a killer when you first pass. This is my second year of driving and insurance is 600 per/a with mods declared etc. so cant really complain.


ClioSport Club Member
i like that in the first 2 photos not keen on the back but doesnt look to bad from the front to be honest, seen a lot LOT worse!

good work, colour looks brilliant, and the paint quality in general.
  car? need a license 1st!
hello and welcome! enjoy your stay!

btw.. that back bumber is gash!! :\ They don't really make a decent mk2 ph1 rear bumper.. apart from the standard one!! :clown:
