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Hey guys, noob alert!

  Renault Clio 182
Hey guys and girls. Im John and Ive recently purchased myself a tidy little Clio 182 =) very very happy with her!


Not the best photo Ive got but I'll wait for a better day and get the SLR out =)

She's got a few special bits and bobs on her, the Ktec exhaust being one of the main features :rasp:

Ive had a whole host of cars too

At the moment I still have my mini which I will not be selling! But now with the clio i'll be able to take the mini off the road to work on her and still get about!

Ive also had a 106 GTI
I believe quite a few people make the jump up from pugs to the clio so Im hoping its gonna be just as good!

So basically thats me in a nutshell! Im hoping for a fruitful relationship with the Clio. Absolutely love the thing already, and had a few compliments already! And ive only had her a day!

Thanks for looking anyway and nice to meet you all! :)


President of the KMAG fan club.
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Nice mini and 106! The Clio looks tidy too

Welcome to the forum
  Renault Clio 182
hey guys thanks for the great welcome! been very busy so not been able to get on here for a bit!
The previous owner may have been a member on here I wonder =)

Had the car a week or so now, absolutely love it. I should have got one a couple of years ago haha!
