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  1.6 Ford Focus
Hey all.

I was recommended here by someone and seams I will be sticking around after reading up a few topics.

I will hopefully be buying my mark 2 Clio some time this week if all goes well, its my first car so I can't really do any engine mods as such but I will be doing exhaust, interior lighting and sound system, headlights, rear lights etc.

Looks like this place will be really useful :)


Damn i was expecting pics of lamborginis :(

If you like them, a few (rich c***s!) on here own them ;)

  1.6 Ford Focus
Damn i was expecting pics of lamborginis :(

If you like them, a few (rich c**tS!) on here own them ;)


Sorry to disappoint you haha! If someone owns one here then im sure it wont be long before someone picks up on the deliberate spelling mistake in my name ;)

The dream is to own a Lamborghini Gallardo though.
Hello mate, welcome to CS
There's nothing wrong with dreaming about owning Lamborghinis......but to be honest after a while all that power just becomes so boring that i prefer driving the 182 :)
  1.6 Ford Focus
Thing is in that case the same can be said the other way around.

It will always be the dream though, will stick to the Clio for now :p
