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  Clio 182 sport
Hey all,

My names will and im from the isle of wight.

had a few french cars in my short time of driving, mainly pugs tho :-(.

just recently purchased a french racing blue clio 182 full fat model on an 04 plate, love it to bits and is such a realy nice little car. As it stands the car has only been lowered at the moment but im looking for new idea's for tastefull mods and finishing little touches.

Anyway Helllllllllo all :approve:
  Clio 182 sport
Sorry i only have one picture at the moment. its nothing to special as its bassicaly standard at the moment.

  RS 182 CUP
Welcome mate, got a Clio cup same as yours but with gordini stripes. One of my best ever purchases


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Stunning mate.

I love how unmolested it looks.

