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  saxo vtr
awrite dudes im new to this forum, dont actually own a clio yet but got my heart set on one;) hopefully have one in the next 4-5 weeks.. im after a 182 in silver or black! anyway what i wana know is when i go to look at one is there anything i should look out for?? and also a guy i work with says they aint good cars:dapprove: surely they aint that bad r they??.. ive been looking threw the forum at other members cars and they all look fookin awesome!! cheers!

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
biggest thing you MUST check is that the all the belts have been done !

and they aint a bad car tbh. just need general care and attention and it should be fine.

welcome btw
  Listerine & Poledo
Just checking, how old are you fella?

and have you checked the insurance on these things. For a shoddy French tin can they cost stupid money to be legal in.

Mostly because yoofs get them and immediately roll them through a playground


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
As said before, check the belts have been done and they have a receipt to prove it. I'd also have a listen forthe dephaser as I got stung with this when I bought te cup - it's £150 for the part alone.

Welcome to the club.
