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hi all!!! new member and looking forward to any advise you guys can give on mod!!!

  inferno 182.
just bought a clio 182 in inferno orange!!
always ben a ford man myself but always liked the clio sport!! ditched my 200bhp escos and took the plunge and found this mint 182!! well impressed!!! looking for advce on the best mods inside and out!
what can be done to this engine and what ever advice you can give!
im in berkshire and run a bodyshop so i might be able to help you guys with parts with my 25% discount??
look forward to coming to a meet to see what you guys have done to your motors!!!
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
Re: hi all!!! new member and looking forward to any advise you guys can give on mod!!

There are a few meets coming up, infact wednesday next week and wednesday week after. If you come along we can give you some advice!
  inferno 182.
Re: hi all!!! new member and looking forward to any advise you guys can give on mod!!

where are these meets??
