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Hi from a non-owner!

  Mk4 Golf R32
Hi guys,

I've lurked around here for a little while, mainly since a mate of mine started thinking of getting a 1*2, but never really posted. He's now got himself a tidy ph2 172 which is really nice and we regularly go out for little cruises round the countryside of an evening :D

I actually drive a mk4 Golf R32 which I've had for a few years and love, and obviously they are a completely different animal to the Cliosport way of thinking (Edit: except the V6 lol!). Having had a few rides in my friend's 172 I'm pretty impressed with them. I knew they were good but had never been in one so never really knew quite how good!

Anyway, I'm a fairly keen member of the R32 Owner's Club ( and despite driving a different car I like to keep an interest in other areas - in my opinion, if you're a car enthusiast you should be able to appreciate all nice cars not just your own. So, with that in mind, I just thought I'd finally show my face and say hello. I've read a few posts regarding VWs & Audis recently and been tempted to post but thought I should probably introduce myself and say a polite hello first!

Cheers guys,
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Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Welcome Nick!

You'll find many VAG fans on here as well as many anti-VAG haterz (me included ;)) - but each to their own and all that. I think my displeasure from them has come from the fact that our car-fleet at work has over the years become a preverbial VAG garage - ranging from lowly Golf TDis and Passats, through TT's, Audi A5's, S3's, RS4's and even an RS6 Plus. They are great machines, but to me stir the soul as much as a block of concrete. :)

Great to hear of other forum members sticking their heads in on CS to say hello. Are you sure you don't want to swap your R32 for your m8's 172?

Go on. Try it for a week or two. You might just end up joining us on the Dark Side!

  RS 182 CUP
At least the r32 has cosworth heads, the best part of them! Not a vag fan either but we've all gotta start somewhere!
  Mk4 Golf R32
Welcome Nick!

You'll find many VAG fans on here as well as many anti-VAG haterz (me included ;)) - but each to their own and all that. I think my displeasure from them has come from the fact that our car-fleet at work has over the years become a preverbial VAG garage - ranging from lowly Golf TDis and Passats, through TT's, Audi A5's, S3's, RS4's and even an RS6 Plus. They are great machines, but to me stir the soul as much as a block of concrete. :)

Great to hear of other forum members sticking their heads in on CS to say hello. Are you sure you don't want to swap your R32 for your m8's 172?

Go on. Try it for a week or two. You might just end up joining us on the Dark Side!


Hi Darren,

My friend & I have actually swapped cars several times for a drive - well you have to check out the competition don't you? ;)
I think I'll stick with my planted, torquey bruiser thanks :rasp:

I actually also have an oldskool Mini which is my preferred choice for a go-kart style drive - although it's currently off the road awaiting a T9 Z-cars conversion at the moment. Ah cannae wait til she's finished!

As for VAG cars stirring the soul I suppose, for the 'day-to-day' cars I can see where you're coming from - almost - but you can't be talking about exotica such as Lamorghinis & Bugattis surely? Having driven a Gallardo (not for long, admittedly) I can tell you it certainly isn't lacking any soul!

At least the r32 has cosworth heads, the best part of them! Not a vag fan either but we've all gotta start somewhere!

Hi Rob,

The head on the R32 is made by VAG... Cosworth may at some point have had a hand in the design many many moons ago but we are talking a long time when Dave from Dagenham might have spoken to Claus at Wolfsburg. The VR6 engine was originally developed as a diesel by VAG in the late 1980s and evolutions of the original variant are (as a petrol obviously) still produced by them today. Are you thinking of the old 2.9 litre Granada Scorpio?

The engine generally is pretty awesome - certainly sounds amazing when allowed to breathe properly - albeit slightly reserved power-wise in the usual (souless? ;)) VW fashion. The other 'best' thing about the car is the Haldex which, when upgraded, really works wonders.

You're right though, you have to start somewhere. Many people on the R32 OC started with a French car, but soon saw the light :rasp:

I can see life for me here being pretty tough lol!


ClioSport Club Member
dont listen to the haters, LOL @ the got to start somewhere comment, yes exactly in a shite french hatch, where most of us did start, and are now still driving faster french shite.

get some pics of your R32 up :)
  120d M Sport
Gotta start somewhere? What kind of comment is that?

The guy owns an R32, worth twice what your 182 cup is worth no doubt!

Unfortunately there are a minority of people who post rubbish on here as on any other forum, but on the whole many are fairly open minded. The R32 is often discussed and well respected on here, quite a few have upgraded from 172s to them.
dont listen to the haters, LOL @ the got to start somewhere comment, yes exactly in a shite french hatch, where most of us did start, and are now still driving faster french shite.

get some pics of your R32 up :)

Indeed, so many small minds on here!!

Gotta start somewhere? What kind of comment is that?

The guy owns an R32, worth twice what your 182 cup is worth no doubt!

Unfortunately there are a minority of people who post rubbish on here as on any other forum, but on the whole many are fairly open minded. The R32 is often discussed and well respected on here, quite a few have upgraded from 172s to them.

+1 Brer!
  182 Trophy
More non clio owners on here than actual owners who seem to enjoy sitting on here telling us how shite clio's are etc etc
Welcome to the site, i like r32's which is strange as i'm not usually a vag fan
  Mk4 Golf R32
Haha, cheers for the support guys!

The guy owns an R32, worth twice what your 182 cup is worth no doubt!

Maybe, but I bet my Golf has just as many rattles! I loves her though, despite the fact she's a hugely expensive mistress to keep happy. Worth every penny though :)

Here's a few piccies:






Sorry for the quality on some of the pics, the first 3 were on my old camera when I'd just got the car. It's had a few more mods since then!

Joeh; said:
More non clio owners on here than actual owners who seem to enjoy sitting on here telling us how s**te clio's are etc etc
Welcome to the site, i like r32's which is strange as i'm not usually a vag fan
Cheers, yeah I actually tend to find that the R gets a lot of respect from VAGers and haters alike, not sure why. Think it must be because it's so different, much like the Clio V6. Even haters of all things French still admire the V6 - I think it's easy to see why. Would love to go for a cruise with one along (dare I say behind...?) :D
  Mk4 Golf R32
...In fact I think I may well settle for a set of these:


Which were introduced to me by my mate - they're on his 172 and look awesome!
  Caterham 270R
Welcome to Cs buddy i,m an ex Employee ( 10 years ) Vw /Audi love the R32's

Yours looks great.........
