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hi people im on my 5th clio sport now lol

  renailt clio sport 1
hi people, i got a problem with my engine, im on my 5th clio sport now, it was offered to me cheap so i thought why not :p,
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  renailt clio sport 1
also quick qustion

when i 1st start the car up it quiet, when the engine gets warm it sounds like a diesel, i took the cover off the top, put new spark plugs in too, the number 4 coil lead was full of oil, and number 1 also had a bit of oil in it too,, the car is not missing atall, when i starts it when its cold its quiet, then when it gets warm it sounds like a diesel and when i revs it it goes away anyone had this problem ??
  Clio 197
A service might help, although that sounds like a bit more work than an oil change to fix...worth a try as a first option
  renailt clio sport 1
i had them a few years back, i sold this car to my bro 4 years ago and now bought it back, wat is a dephaser pulley, how much are they to buy and how hard are they to fit, i gonna do a oil change tomorrow, my brother seems to think that cars runs on petrol only so doubt it been serviced
  Evo 6, E92 320d
Have a search, but in summary it means a new cambelt kit fitted at the same time, so around £500 from a specialist.
