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hi ya help needed

  fiesta st
hi ya my names keely, i own a fiesta st in frozen white ive owned it since febuary but its up for sale already!!

im after a clio sport 197 in black i have a few questions

1,are there common faults etc i need to be aware off?
2,is there anythings i need to look out for when purchasing?
3,do brembos come standard with them all?
4,can you retro fit the spoiler & splitter if it doesnt come with one? and what kind of price am i looking at?
5,what factory options are there?

thanks in advance :approve::approve:

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
- Check the gearbox, a well-worn one will feel awful and need sorting.

- They all have Brembos.

- Spoilers and splitters can all be fitted, yes.

- A/C, Cup Suspension, Xenons and Recaros are some of the more popular options, but there are quite a few.
