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HIC Insurance

  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

when i rang it was quite expensive fully comp, but a decent price TPFT, and the bloke was sound as!

couldnt tell ya mate, in most cases you get what you pay for. Being young with a performance motor tho, you havent got much choice.

Ive heard a few stories about them taking quite a while to pay up etc. But to be honest, a lot of insurers are like this.

I dont worry about what itll be like if I have to make a claim, cos Im hoping I wont have to.

I just went for the cheapest.....

They wont insure me without a tracker on the Williams

Even with one they were pricey because of certain factors!!

Shame, I had hoped they would be dirt cheap!!

Did you speak to Phil (01279 719932)

Hes the one wholl give you discounts etc.

Suprised you would need a tracker for a willy (lol!)

Phil is away on holiday, but the bloke said he knew the score with discounts, and asked if Id attended any shows in the last year, then applied the discount when I said yes.

I was surprised about the Tracker too!!!! That said, my area has a problem with the theives who steal your keys and drive off in your motor! (its normally Jags and Mercs tho!!)

I apparently also would pay a high grouping surcharge (of about 40%!!) for being under 25 on a fast car.
  172 M69 eater

what do u have to tell phil to get it cheap!!

im gettin mine in a few weeks, jus wanna c wot sort of deal i can get off em?

did u declare all ur mods and did they ask 4 pics?

ta patty

Just tell him your with a club or summit.

Hes not exactly picky about how he gives you the discount.

Someone said theyd just been to a car show last year and got the discount.

Easy really.....

Yes, very good.

He gave me a quote on a Group 15 car.. Im 20 with No NCD.. and well, it was low!

I told him he must be mad wanting to insure me for that on such a powerful car.. heheh!

He did say because it was higher than a group 8, it wouldnt be as good compared to others.

Yeah they are good with young drivers

Im 20 with a pretty modd valver and they beat everyone else by over a ton.
  Focus ST3 + proper Mini

I made a claim in August and they finally paid up 3 months later!! My car was written off (not my fault).

Directline paid up within a week .

HIC are just brokers for Highway Insurance. Its Highway who are a bunch of @@@@

Still waiting for my 3 yrs NCB to be given back (and £400) :mad:


ClioSport Club Member

I just got a quote from them, which, with no no cliams is the same as i pay now, but goes down £500 with 1 years NCB (so looks like im stuck with Direct Line for the next 3 months, and taking my alloys off). Thats with all non power affecting mods declaired.

Spoke to James, sound guy, thanks, if he checks this out.
