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HIC or elephant or??

  MK2 PH2 & E46 330
SO far my best quotes have been elephant.18 yr old, 1 yearts driving, have no no-claims, Mk1 rt with a few mods, just under £800 for 10 months just under £1000 for 12 basically.

Does anyone think HIC will better my quote if i phone them tomorrow?
(tried online but wouldnt work)

or any other company?

ive thought about playing companies off eachother but dont really know where to start.
me, last year, 17, 2005 1.2 16v + mods, £1950 with tesco, fully comp in my name

renewal in a few days... ive been on the phone to loads...

rac = £980 with mods and 1year ncb & pass plus
tesco = £1200 or something silly
aa = £1025
norwich union = £950 with mods and 1year ncb & pass plus

n/u suprised me being the cheapest, but will probs go with them...

..although ive got one left to ring tommorow, adrian flux
