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Hit twice in one day abuse as well.

  Clio RS 200
Not had a good weekend. Sunday morning was reversed into in a car park by an old guy who then said he wasn't going to give me his details as it was on private property. He called me a F****ing C**** because it was only a little dent and a scuff and its only a car. I had my 5 year old son in the car so told him to stop swearing and when he carried on and wouldn't give me his details I said I would call the cops, he went nose to ose with me and called me a f***ing w***er. I got his plate and the police are looking into it.

Last night someone hit my car whilst in another carpark and didn't leave me their details.

Oh yeah been in hospital this morning with a broken toe and can't drive for two days.:dapprove:


ouch rough weekend mate, hope things look up soon .. that old guy sounds like a nutter!
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
What a t**t! How bad is the damage looking? Cheapily repaired or waiting for police to get his insurance details? Can they both be classed as hit and run as neither left details?
  Alfa GT
You should have told the old fart to shut it before you broke his hip :approve:

sounds like a sh*tter of a weekend mate.
  Clio RS 200
What a tw*t! How bad is the damage looking? Cheapily repaired or waiting for police to get his insurance details? Can they both be classed as hit and run as neither left details?

Front bumper needs reshaping and respray, rear wheel arch same again..
  M4 LCI, X1, ZX10R
What a joke.

In a ideal world you should of punched the old bloke and said "It's only a broken nose, whats your problem".
  clio sport cup
hope it works out, though i suspect that clown will get away with it. *sigh*.
Did you get a photo of the car etc?
  123D Coupe + MK1 MX5
FFS people on this forum seem to always pussy out...

If your son was in the car and the guy was up in your face swearing, you f**king drop him.
  Clio RS 200
hope it works out, though i suspect that clown will get away with it. *sigh*.
Did you get a photo of the car etc?
Yes got all the car details, also when I went to the police they read me my rights as I took my old insurance details by mistake and got a producer as they think Im not insured.
  Clio RS 200
FFS people on this forum seem to always pussy out...

If your son was in the car and the guy was up in your face swearing, you f**king drop him.

Pussy out..... grow up mate if I did that I would be in a cell now and when you have kids you don't do that infront of them. Im a martial artist and can't do that.
  E87 118d M Sport
lol as if things are bad enough.
do they reali think you would go into the station to complain about somebody hitting your car if you werent insured. stupid c***s :headno:
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
FFS people on this forum seem to always pussy out...

If your son was in the car and the guy was up in your face swearing, you f**king drop him.

Pussy out..... grow up mate if I did that I would be in a cell now and when you have kids you don't do that infront of them. Im a martial artist and can't do that.

I agree. If you punch him, next thing you know you're getting done for assult on an "innocent old man" whose car "you hit".

Damage is worse than I imagined, thought it was a tiny scratch and dent. Hope the police help you sort this. Although, giving his reg to your insurance company and telling them to chase it should get it going as well.
  123D Coupe + MK1 MX5
FFS people on this forum seem to always pussy out...

If your son was in the car and the guy was up in your face swearing, you f**king drop him.

Pussy out..... grow up mate if I did that I would be in a cell now and when you have kids you don't do that infront of them. Im a martial artist and can't do that.

I'm not supposed to "do that" either...

But if someone was in my face blatantly taking the c**t out of me and not following the correct "code" of how to work out these sort of things...

I'd smash his head in, play his game and make sure after it all that he never knew your reg.
  E87 118d M Sport
smashing his head in....:S

i spose that depends on your mentality. personally i wouldnt, i'd always let them make the first move, then your covered. but then i usually think before i act.
if you act before you think then im sure smashing his head in would be the first thing youd do, probably with no regrets.

imo i think you did the right thing. although i dont know how much faith there is in the justice system these days?

i reali hope they catch him and pay up!
problem is if he is that kind of person you think he is insured etc?
  R26 F1
Wait until the [FONT=&quot]geriatric has paid for your car then kick his cnut in! Cant be letting people off with sh1t like that!! :mad:[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

The Chubby Pirate

ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Have to be honest, im one for "treat others how you want to be treated"

This old b*****d shouted in my face id have probaly threw him about like an empty jacket..

If he left the scene of an accident theres a good chance he will get points on hid license and what not, quite a serious offence that
  R26 F1
smashing his head in....:S

i spose that depends on your mentality. personally i wouldnt, i'd always let them make the first move, then your covered. but then i usually think before i act.
if you act before you think then im sure smashing his head in would be the first thing youd do, probably with no regrets.

imo i think you did the right thing. although i dont know how much faith there is in the justice system these days?

i reali hope they catch him and pay up!
problem is if he is that kind of person you think he is insured etc?

The way i would look at it is that when he got up into your face, that is a form of aggression and he is entering your personal space. If he came within two feet of me with that sort fo attitude he would have been clocked!
  Clio RS 200
smashing his head in....:S

i spose that depends on your mentality. personally i wouldnt, i'd always let them make the first move, then your covered. but then i usually think before i act.
if you act before you think then im sure smashing his head in would be the first thing youd do, probably with no regrets.

imo i think you did the right thing. although i dont know how much faith there is in the justice system these days?

i reali hope they catch him and pay up!
problem is if he is that kind of person you think he is insured etc?

I know what you mean mate, but with my on watching its hard...

The way i would look at it is that when he got up into your face, that is a form of aggression and he is entering your personal space. If he came within two feet of me with that sort fo attitude he would have been clocked!
  BMW bus
Have to be honest, im one for "treat others how you want to be treated"

This old b*****d shouted in my face id have probaly threw him about like an empty jacket..

If he left the scene of an accident theres a good chance he will get points on hid license and what not, quite a serious offence that

PMSL, that is the funniest thing I have heard in ages!

To be honest, you probably did the right thing seeing as your kid was there, but I think I would have smashed the fcuk out of the guy, then smashed his car up as well.

The way the law is these days they probably wont do anything about the guy anyway, he'll just lie and say it was your fault and that you drove into him.

Vigilante justice FTW
  172 A Cupwork Orange™
Give the plate number as well as a description, time of accident and location to your insurance company, they will check The Motor Insurance Database and also perform a dvla trace to find his name etc, seriosuly the police will take a age and a day to track the guy if indeed they can be bothered that is, my advice also chase your insurance company every other day for an update
  Clio 172 mk2
Gutted fo you

TBH definately did the right thing keeping your cool and letting the police deal with it.

I love the way some people are so blase about causing damage to other peoples cars like it means nothing:(

The Chubby Pirate

ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Fair play to you though as you had the wee man there i can under stand you didnt wanna start throwing punches about, kudos to you.

I tell you what though mate, if the police decide they cant do anything about it which is normally the case as there about as usefull as a fart in a space suit i would be inclined to do get in the zone for some revenge...

Pitch fork through the roof off the car, guaranteed write off, structural damage an absolute ball-ache for insurance companies.
  Clio 172 mk2
Fair play to you though as you had the wee man there i can under stand you didnt wanna start throwing punches about, kudos to you.

I tell you what though mate, if the police decide they cant do anything about it which is normally the case as there about as usefull as a fart in a space suit i would be inclined to do get in the zone for some revenge...

Pitch fork through the roof off the car, guaranteed write off, structural damage an absolute ball-ache for insurance companies.


Just make sure you don't get caught wandering the streets with a pitchfork after dark lol

The Chubby Pirate

ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Fair play to you though as you had the wee man there i can under stand you didnt wanna start throwing punches about, kudos to you.

I tell you what though mate, if the police decide they cant do anything about it which is normally the case as there about as usefull as a fart in a space suit i would be inclined to do get in the zone for some revenge...

Pitch fork through the roof off the car, guaranteed write off, structural damage an absolute ball-ache for insurance companies.


Just make sure you don't get caught wandering the streets with a pitchfork after dark lol


"I was em just, pruning the garden.... your honour..." lol


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Former R27 & Mk1 V6 owner
I'm not supposed to "do that" either...

But if someone was in my face blatantly taking the c**t out of me and not following the correct "code" of how to work out these sort of things...

I'd smash his head in, play his game and make sure after it all that he never knew your reg.

I'm all for violence for problem solving, and people who says "violence never solves anything" are wrong - but smashing someones face into a bloody mess in front of your five year old son isn't exactly a winning idea. You'd scare the hell out him, and he probably wouldn't sleep for weeks. I can't imagine the police would take a kind view of it either if they got involved, and a visit from the Social would probably not be far away in that case. They're very big on that sort've thing these days. Would you really wanna teach a little kid that's the way to sort things out as well? Have him beat the s**t out of other kids at School when they take his crayon in reception class...?
  LY V6 with Recaros
Oh my god, what a t**t!! You did the right thing involving the police, lets just hope they sort it out! I can't believe some peoples attitudes when causing damage to some one elses car!
  BMW 320d SE
Yeah let us know what happens with this matey. I can't stand people like that. You can guarantee he won't be giving it the large when he's nicked for a public order offence for the way he spoke to you!


Bad luck happens in 3's. So you must be due some good luck now :approve:
You need to learn the trick to turn people into toads tbh dude! Alternatively, if you can magic money out of someones ear a few times maybe it will pay for the repairs ;)

I think you did the right thing, bad luck fella.
  Clio RS 200
You need to learn the trick to turn people into toads tbh dude! Alternatively, if you can magic money out of someones ear a few times maybe it will pay for the repairs ;)

I think you did the right thing, bad luck fella.

Lets just say I wanted him to be my first person I cut in half....:)
