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hmm car is running funny

  Clio 172 ph2 + 990SM
When i started my car (51 172 ph2) after work today it was idling up and down between 1100 and 1300, and the car was shaking a bit. Then when i rev'd it up to about 2k it did the same up and down idling and the car shook even more! It sorted itself out by time i got home so a guess the electronics could have got wet from the rain?

Also, when i got home i noticed the exhaust was goin 'putt-putt' like it was hiccuping. Im runnin on 95octane, this couldnt be the problem could it?

Any help is greatly appreciated!
  Clio 172 ph2 + 990SM
is that just for the idle, or for the exhaust thing to?

I need to get a haynes manual, i dont really wana take it to garage cos i dont have any money!

sounds like a coil personally from what your hearing from the exhaust. but that usually cuases noticable power decrease.
  Clio 172 ph2 + 990SM
Ive only had the car a week, and its pretty fast too me, so i probably wont notice :)

The exhaust had a coughing/popping sound, with the air being pushed out in lumps!

Just need to get the renault warrenty transfered over, cheers for the help
  Clio 172 ph2 + 990SM
Waiting for my warrenty to come through the post, and have noticed more symptoms of the problem. when the engine is cold, it hesitates about 2k revs. If i put my foot down, it'll 'creep' past the 2-2.5k, and rev freely above that

does that sound like the coil pack or oxygen sensor? can either damage the car if not fixed immediately?

Mine does that too, hesitates at around 2k, then frees up higher up the revs, only when first started and cold though, wich I take as normal as i've had it with previous cars
  Clio 172 ph2 + 990SM
funny like your uncle who never leaves home, drinks whiskey with a vimto chaser, and calls himself 'sir bob the grand old duke of slough' :S
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
My exhaust has always coughed and spluttered slightly on tickover, even after a Prospeed upgrade, but the revs on mine are nice and stable. Just a characteristic of the engine I was told.
  RenaultSport Clio 182 Cup
My clio 182 cup is coughing/popping sound, and there is air being pushed out in lumps also the power seems down every so often, this only started a wile after changing my exhaust to the k-tec performane exhaust, also once in a blue moon when starting the car up a fan sound starts when excelarating and lifting off (feels realy jerky on a toch of the excelarater) but is not the fan! whats going on? is it the coil?
  RenaultSport Clio 182 Cup
My clio 182 cup is coughing/popping sound, and there is air being pushed out in lumps also the power seems down every so often, this only started a wile after changing my exhaust to the k-tec performane exhaust, also once in a blue moon when starting the car up a fan sound starts when excelarating and lifting off (feels realy jerky on a toch of the excelarater) but is not the fan! whats going on? is it the coil?
  RenaultSport clio 182
Do all the exhausts "cough" on 182/172s? I've got problems with mine anyway but I thought they just did that?
  RenaultSport Clio 182 Cup
well it dident do it on my last clio sport 172 and when i got this 182 it was fine as well but then the purformance droped and now it coughs
  RenaultSport clio 182
M40 CUP said:
well it dident do it on my last clio sport 172 and when i got this 182 it was fine as well but then the purformance droped and now it coughs

Sounds like mine. Taking it to get it looked at cos its quite a noticable power loss. No idea whats causing it tho. Exhaust sounds noisier than I remember so maybe the problems there.
  RenaultSport Clio 182 Cup
Well I had my car surviced then when I got it back a few days later it was purforming slower, I had the ignition leeds changed and the spark plugs, I think its sumit to do with that as it dident whant to start 1st time that only hapend once! I dont see that the coil would go! I also fill her up with 98 ron optimax as it tiks over better! Need 2 now whats going on as it is anoying!
