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Hmmmm decisions decisions

  S'trollin on size 7s
basically my contract runs out on the 4th of july but i go on holiday for 2 weeks as from this friday, so need to decide what phone to get asap.. but im really struggling to decide which is going to be worthwhile.

looking around ive read decent reviews on the following..
samsung galaxy S 2
HTC sensation
and obviously the iphone 4

iphone 4 i can get a really good deal on through Three but were talking a 2 year contract for a phone that is borderline being a model old, even if i would get it in white. but then again i could always keep my contract ,sell the phone and get the supposed 5 whenever it may come out.

the samsung Galaxy S 2 i quite like, looking at online reviews and its pretty much brand spank.

the HTC im unsure of tbh.

is there any phone guys on here that may already own any of these or know of anything else that may be available.

my main essentials are for it to be fast, mainly for roaming the menus and especially for internet. needs to be simple enough to text on without being too slow for typing or too fiddly and a decent camera.
