Following on from Daipacs thread about getting rid of the 172 for a 106GTI to assist with with having a good life without having to watch every penny, I think this is an admirable way to go.
I have had friends who want the biggest, best, must-have thing and have no money to show at the end of the day. It always seems to end in misery living on the limit, or like a lot, over the edge.
When you are in your early to mid twenties, you want a cool car you have aspired to have, you now have some cash, you earn a reasonable income and finance is cheap. You also want a fantastic social life which costs a lot and most people want to live on their own or with partners, either by renting or getting a mortgage.
So you do all the calcs on a piece of paper and it looks good, but in reality it never works out that way and we lead such fluid lives these days that new things always crop up which also cost. Also remember that mortgages are cheap, so people borrow the max possible but one day, maybe not in the next 6-9 months, interest rates will go up.
So who is lucky and does not pay for anything and who are the unlucky ones that have to pay for cars, mortgages and try to pay for a social life at the same time?
But,,,,,,,,,,, you only live once so do how do you balance everything??
Opinions please??
P.S, this is a Clio related thread as this affects most peoples choice in getting, keeping or dumping their Clios.