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hi i just recently bought a clio 182 (not cup) never got a car manual ive read all clio 182s have an alarm and was just wondering how i could check if my car has an alarm and also how u set the alrm does it just do it automatically when you lock the doors ?
no its not an import dont see any flashing light near the gearstick should the flashing light be beside the cigarrette lighter. i tried locking the door with the fob and opening with the key nuthing happened
it could quite possible be a uk spec self inported, itll show up as been uk model but wont have the alarm , in which case u should notify yer insurence or cheaper prolly to have the same standard alarm fitted
yes tried everything yous guys said definetly not got an alarm looks like im gonae have to get 1 fitted wot would yous guys recommend and how much will it cost?