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How good is 476s lol

Been a week so far like, but i gave my car a coat of srp, and then a single coat of collinite. Just washed it, a strong mix of zymol autowash and also a strong mix of snowfoam, about 1/4 each and then the rest was water in the foam lance, and then rinsed off, still beading like new, and then washed again using a bucket with zymol and its still beading like new.

Dad's colt has 2 layers on it and underneath that is 3 layers of egp, and thats still beading after a month and it hasnt even been washed.

So glad i didnt spend £120 on a pot of swissvax.....
i must admit its terrible to remove and dusty :eek:

I use a turtle wax drying towel from halfords tor emove it though it makes it soo much easier. But i find it looks really good too. But give it a blast down with the jet washer after and dry again its good as new.


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
TBh i just used 476 as i heard its good on titanium and it is, really easy to remove? lol and no dusting? You may be using it a bit too generously, or try QD to remove.

Your snowfoam/autowash mix sounds a tad too strong and eventually will start to take off your 476 tbh. most people use an inch of snowfoam thats it.
  visualize whirled pe
I heart the 476s.

I haven't been able to attack the runabout for weeeeks and it's still beading now.

Some people complain that it smells chemically, I think it smells like car wax should smell ie not sickly sweet.


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
any semi decent wax shuold give you the freshly waxed look after 5/6 weeks or i wouldnt rate it , im expecting big things from 476!!!
  visualize whirled pe
Well P21s is a 'semi descent' wax in terms of looks and you are luck if it lasts 2-3 on a car that sits out in all weathers.

I can leave ours out in all weathers with no washing and it beads in the rain. Having had a right mix of weather, windy / dusty / hot and torrential rain, it still looks good. The roof and bonnet are larger beads and some areas are just starting to collect in larger areas. It's good on wheels too, halving the time I spend cleaning as the dirt doesn't adhere as well.

If you want something that lasts Jetseal is also worth a punt, but it's really a sealer. You could, I suppose, use 476 on top of jet seal. It always seems to be out of stock towards winter.
