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How long does clay 'keep' for?

  106 GTi
Keep it in air tight contanier after use and it lasts ages after you have opened it.

As long as you have no opened a bar it will last a fair while, I have some bars here that are 2 years old.


ClioSport Club Member
Cheers Rich :)

Might buy some and save for spring/warmer weather then.

Mouldy? :S Thanks for the warning. I would have thought it'd want to stay a bit damp.
  FIAT PANDA 100HP!!!!
just to add a question about this, can this do any harm to the paint work??
i mean do they do soft and harsh ones??
  FIAT PANDA 100HP!!!!
i need to find a guide before i do it then, cuz i'll prob rip my paint off!! lol
  106 GTi
As important as the amount of lube is the fact that the clay is soft when you use it. Either of the above can result in causing marring to the paint.
  A slow one :-(
Rich - Once I've used Clay on the car I will then only keep it for use on wheels.

You shouldn't really use the same bar on your paint work more than once should you?
  A slow one :-(
FYI - I usually put my clay bar in some warm water while I'm washing the car to soften it up.
  106 GTi
Rich - Once I've used Clay on the car I will then only keep it for use on wheels.

You shouldn't really use the same bar on your paint work more than once should you?

I try and do the paint, then the glass and then wheels all in one go and then bin that piece. If I have only done the paint with a bit I keep it for glass and wheels, but no would not to re use it on the paintwork.


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Not a fan of clay at the best of time, but i generally don't keep it long. it's not expensive, so just buy when i need.
