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How Much For A Key Fob?!?!

  Clio 182 BG FF
Hi, I have recently purchased a 172 :D this has had a Laserline alarm/immobiliser fitted.

Here is my problem....:S

.....the car only came with one key. Have been to renault and they have kindly priced ONE @ £110 :eek:

Me was thinking if the laserline immob has been fitted in replace of the factory fitted one could i theoretically just go down the road and get a key cut from my local key cutting blokey???;)

any reply appreciated. :)


why did u buy a car with only 1 key?

sorry,\ not very helpful i know


no it isnt, post people are v helpful, im just not lol.

i just go round offending people with my sick sence of humour.

again, my question?
  Clio 182 BG FF
Just because it only had one key wasn't a good enough reason not to buy.

Many Thanks.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
You sure the laserline is an alarm / immobiliser or just an alarm ? Clios come with a factory fitted immobiliser but if yours is an import it would have needed an aftermarket alarm .

I think you can get the blank keys cut at some local motor accessory shops or sometimes they come up on ebay . If its the plip key fob you'll need to get one from Renault i'm afraid unless a blank one comes up on ebay then you'll still have to have it coded to your car but won't cost as much .

You might even be able to buy a seconf hand plip and get it reprogrammed to your car , but it would be better to check if this is possible with Renault first . A new blade won't cost that much to get cut i would imagine .
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  Clio 182 BG FF
Its def a alarm/immob i can see both in the engine bay. I also have a receipt showing the alarm/immob fitted.

Isn't the coding just for the ff immob? Or is it for something else?



ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Does your alarm / immob work off the original key fob or do you have a separate fob for the laserline ? The factory fit immobliser is built in to the ring around the ignition , it needs to recognise the code in the key fob to start the car .

I'm not too sure if the coding is needed for the alarm as well as the immobiliser . If you have a separate fob for the laserline you could try contacting them direct for a spare and get a second blade cut for the ignition .
  Clio 182 BG FF
The central locking, alarm and immob all work off the laserline fob.
Thats why i thought it could do no harm in trying the key cutting bloke....just thought i would ask first. Only bought the car today :D


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Right now i see . Well if you have 2 key fobs for the laserline , i'm pretty sure you can just get a spare key cut for the ignition barrel for a few pounds . I think Renault were quoting you for a new key / fob coded for the factory fitted immobiliser .

Oh and welcome to the CS forum . Hope you enjoy your new car mate :)
  172 cup'd extreme
the key must be coded to the car's ecu . it doesnt matter if you have a laserline imobiliser or not as the imob is built into the ecu it cannot be disabled
  RB 182
I tried getting Rentech to do this but Renault won't give the codes out (not at mine anyway) so even an uncut key that isn't coded isn't much good because you don't have the code.

I got quoted something like £110 for one new key from Renault!
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renault quoted me 75quid for a new fob which would also do my remote central locking for me valver:eek: (they also said it needed to be sent over from france)
  172 cup'd extreme
30 minutes to code a key???? i went to matt blacks place to have one done it took the fella 5 minutes to do it!


16v_jon said:
30 minutes to code a key???? i went to matt blacks place to have one done it took the fella 5 minutes to do it!

yeh but he wants another key not one recoding i got mine recoded for free from renault;)
I recently bought a new fob.
Came from France and cost around £70
I paid £16 for the access code and Mike@Rentech did the rest via Renault CLiP.

I also have a Laserline alarm however it is seperate from the renault key fob.

