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How much for metallic

How about this for false advertising:

DCCOOK & VIRGIN websites

Renault clio 182 £11,599

Renault clio 182 in silver £11,599

then they charge you £350 for metallic paint

Yes, but they are advertising SILVER at £11,599, and then want to add £350 for metallic paint. Bit misleading to say the least.

Jeremy, renault dont what?

Charge for metallic, or advertise a metallic car THEN charge for metallic?

Cause im sure they charge £325 or £350 unless you go for racing blue
  172 Cup

Quote: Originally posted by chris182 on 26 October 2004
Jeremy, renault dont what?Charge for metallic, or advertise a metallic car THEN charge for metallic?Cause im sure they charge £325 or £350 unless you go for racing blue

Id just go with what Jeremy says as he knows a thing or two about Clios ;)
