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HTC Desire HD Battery Life

  Skoda Fabia vRS
so ive just got this phone and the battery seemed pish

looking at the battery usage on it, seemed the display was using the most, ive turned it down quite a lot and i think ill get a full second day out of it, so if your struggling try that

ive also turned the auto brightness off, usually have mobile networks off and wifi aswell unless i need the wifi

i think i can manage now with the battery now ive got the brightness down
With my normal desire I found that turning the internet off when your not using it improves the battery no end! Hold the power button and just click turn internet off/on
  182FF with cup packs
Look for an app called "JuiceDefender" on the market (it's free, there is a paid addon called UltimateJuice which give you extra stuff).

I've been running it and its sorted out my battery life. My phone was 100% when I got into work this morning, and it's sat on 80% 6 hours later.*

JuiceDefender basically automates turning wireless stuff on and off etc. It's main one is to turn off WiFi and 3g connectivity when the phones screen is off, it auto forces 3g off whenever you are connected to WiFi, if you leave WiFi turned on accidently it actually sort of turns it off and just wakes it up every few mins to check for available AP's rather than sitting there looking for them constantly.

It will also learn your WiFi AP's geographic location from cell towers and then it will auto turn WiFi on and off and you approach/leave the area near a known AP.

When the connectivity is turned off because the screen is off, it arranges all your updates to happen at the same time, so every 15 mins (by default) it turns on either WiFi or 3g, forces a sync with your accounts, then turns them off again.

If you get UltimateJuice it also has things like night time and weekend schedules (i.e. nighttime you can put it into airplane mode between certain hours, weekend you set it to check you accounts less often (for example))

Also, depending on your kernel and if your're rooted, it'll even scale back the processor when the screen is off for even more battery gains.

* Wifi on, bluetooth on, 3g on, auto brightness set, connected to SIP server at work for outgoing calls. This is on a Nexus One
  Skoda Fabia vRS
im forever toggling the 3g and wifi on and off to save battery, this might be useful
  SLK 350
Download 'Tasker' you can do anything with it. There's a learning curve but it's a great app.

Regarding battery life, give it a week and it will improve. However also go to settings and ensure that services aren't syncing every hour.

The most recent OTA update improved mine, however it's been withdrawn due to issues with text notifications. I As a heavy user i get a full day.
The most recent OTA update improved mine, however it's been withdrawn due to issues with text notifications. I As a heavy user i get a full day.

ive noticed this since the update a month or so ago? you get text, read it but the notification stays there (doesnt automatically disappear). hope they fix it soon as its annoying lol

i unplugged my phone from charger at 7.30 am and its now on 30%. ive noticed if you play games or online alot, it EATS battery, but thats what you have to accept with these new phones :)
