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HTC Desire HD

My mate has the HD, its a little large imo. Still, it seemed a great phone and I love the browser on it.

I ordered a Desire Z today, should get it tomorrow. :)
  Skoda Fabia vRS
My mate has the HD, its a little large imo. Still, it seemed a great phone and I love the browser on it.

I ordered a Desire Z today, should get it tomorrow. :)

yea the large screen is both good because its so big, but bad because its so big its quite a large phone, at least its thin

i had a bit of a dilemma between the HD and the Z because i wasnt sure id get along with touch screen, i do like the key pad on the Z but i think the better camera and bigger screen swung me towards the HD

how you all finding the battery life, ive heard its not the greatest
  Ph1 172
i was originally going to get one of these but in the end i went for a Samsung Galaxy S. The desire is exactly the same phone really but bigger. Glad i went with the Samsung in the end. Its shaped like the Iphone 3GS.
  SLK 350
i was originally going to get one of these but in the end i went for a Samsung Galaxy S. The desire is exactly the same phone really but bigger. Glad i went with the Samsung in the end. Its shaped like the Iphone 3GS.

Not the same at all.

DHD has a 4.3" SLCD screen, 768MB RAM, faster Qualcomm CPU, 8MP camera, dual Xenon flash. Oh and it's not made by Fisher Price. Both are good phones mind, just Samsung are lame with fixing issues and releasing updates.

BRUN, battery is as you'd expect, shocking to begin with, but quickly imoroves. You'll manage at least a day (waking up > sleep), had mine up to 1.5 days by being frugal, but I'm a very heavy user. I'd recommend the phone, it's like an iPhone, but faster :)
  Ph1 172
it has the same operating system so its the same phone to me. not going to fuss over the DHD being 0.1secs faster to load up a screen and having a fancy flash.

DHD is fooking massive, couldnt live with that day to day.
  SLK 350
The screen is bigger, so the phones bigger. I agree I wouldn't want it any bigger, and it's probably not a phone for ladies or those with small hands but I like the size - it matters :)

As for it being the same, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
i got it the day it was realeased fro orange (had to keep ringing daily to see if delivery was in lol) must have been back at the start of november ish

battery is alright, does last a day quite easily and i text alot. but i dont have wifi turned on etc
  Skoda Fabia vRS
first problems with mine already

after a few mins of the phone being 'locked' if i then go to use it, the top button restarts the phone as its turned itself off

googling about the problem it seems im not the first, people have been having this issue with these phones since October last year

rang phones4u who got me to do a factory reset see if that sorts it out
Mines had a mark on the screen, got it swapped out for a brand new one next day. All sealed in original box so not a refurb!

Also I'd advise anyone with an HTC to use this to backup your sms to gmail as they will disappear one day!
  Skoda Fabia vRS
i used the HTC software to back up mine

its a bit gutting that my phone has developed the random reset problem as its been a really really good phone, hopefully the new one wont have the same problem, tonight its calling me a liar though, its not turned itself off for hours now lol
Strange one that!

The app I posted above backs the sms up to your gmail as soon as you recieve it ;). It makes a seperate folder called sms!
  Skoda Fabia vRS
guess yours hasnt suffered this problem, basically when i came to use it last night it had usually turned itself off, and has been doing this for most of today, even turned itself off mid phone call a few times today

come home from work though and its been fine, but ive got this phone for 2 years i cant risk it being a duff one
  Clio 172
I've got the HTC HD2 ..its fantastic when it works but the amount of problems with it makes me sick! Had 2 new phones in just over a year and I've had the second one back today from being "repaired" within 20 minutes the same problems. Its going back again tomorrow :( vodafone wont budge on giving me a different handset either. Although I believe I'm entitled to a different handset if it gets repaired 3 times in 3 months. As long as the majority of the bugs are fixed then the HTC phones are fantastic.
  SLK 350
News to me, not seen any such issues on the forums - most of the issues I see are:

"why doesn't my battery last a week"
"SMS notifications nor disappearing"

The second issue is a result of an update 1.72 that HTC pushed and since withdrawn. That said my phone has rebooted itself on occasion, but only since the 1.72 update. Aside from that the phone is tip-top.
  Skoda Fabia vRS
thankfully, ish, the problem has now happened a lot more times, including turning itself off in the middle of the night, luckily i put my old phones alarm clock on to get me up or id have been late for work

hopefully the phones4u returns bag will turn up today
  Skoda Fabia vRS
going back to phones4u today, hope i get a new phone by the end of the week

really do love this phone even though its had its problems
Got a DHD yesterday, love it! Going from HTC TD2 > HTC Hero > DHD, definite progression. I love android, cannot wait for 2.3 to be release for DHD


ClioSport Club Member
Hoping to get one of these when my contract is up in March.. my Hero is f**king battered after nearly 18 months of heavy use :p
  Skoda Fabia vRS
exchange has been processed today, fingers crossed i get the new handset tomorrow or Sat
  SLK 350
dajones, do you find it's stable? Been reading on XDA about bug "xyz", usually Youtube related or some users reporting black screens after a phone call.
the cyanogen is really unstable but looks so good :p
the miui i found alright, on the latest release the only force close i had was the kickback.apk and i think that was due to bad coding for the search touch button
im really unsure mate, whatever came with the rom thats ive put on there. ive not knowingly changed the kernal but i have a feeling with miui its got the buzz oc kernal so could be that


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I'm using the Hero at mo and runs out in March/April at the minute it looks like i'll be getting the Desire-HD model, does it scroll through the internet faster than Hero? Also can you fit more apps on it than the hero?
  Skoda Fabia vRS
god knows ive never used a HTC before this one, but its really quick and responsive

you can change the 8gb card for a bigger one so id imagine you can put whatever you want on it, but i dont know if the apps are on the card actually..........not sure
  Skoda Fabia vRS

with the first phone, i bought a cheap case off ebay which came with a screen protector, on it went, im pretty handy at doing screen protectors

sadly the phone went faulty and had to go back, just got my second phone, tried a screen protector, wouldnt fit properly and got dust stuck to it (im OCD they have to be perfect)

so i thought sod it, ill put my proper screen protector on, an EXIM SPUC one which cost £6 each, managed to get that dusty aswell, they are washable though but god knows how your supposed to dry it without getting anything on it, tried another 2 cheap ones, managed get one on with no dust but the corner wont stick down, cos the screen is so big any slight bit that is out at one end means it overlaps the edge at the other end of the phone, you need to be degree perfect putting them on

just ordered 2 genuine HTC ones to see if they are cut better than the cheap Ebay ones which are not that good of a fit
yea you have the option of putting apps on your sd card but you have about 1gb internal memory anyways ( 2gig available but aroung a gig is used up in system files etc etc)
  S3, Polo
dajones, do you find it's stable? Been reading on XDA about bug "xyz", usually Youtube related or some users reporting black screens after a phone call.

I rooted mine 2 weeks after I got it. I'm now using LeeDroid's Sense because I actually like Sense. The flashed ROM now runs much more smoothly and seemingly more efficiently too as I get 2-2.5 days of moderate use out of it. Prior to rooting, and after the battery had cycled a few times - I was lucky to see 12 hours before getting a 15% warning.
  Skoda Fabia vRS
if anyone has the switching off problem, push your sim card all the way in and tape it down, if it starts to come down ever so slightly the phone will turn off
