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i dont know what colour my car is :|

  A grey one
Well i did the side strips with a guessed colour! but i dont know what colour my car is or what its called.. help? :rasp:

  A grey one
thanks.. i looked at some more in that colour and i dont think it is though, and also found that someone said its only mk1 172s that are oddysey blue?
  A grey one
I been looking about, it's not oddysey blue because thats for ph1s, its not monaco blue because thats for ph2 172s, its not mondial blue or racing blue. how many blues can there be?! :S Oh and it's metallic, really glittery so not any of the solid paints that i've found.. unless it was resprayed which i think is highly unlikely.. :dapprove:


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Thats a 2001 Clio Dynamique?

They only came in Pacific Blue (non-metallic), Nautical Blue (Brighter, metallic) or Oddysey blue. They were the only 3 blues available at that time.
  DCi 100
Daniel is correct with Odd Blue

Post up the paintcode from the drivers door if you still don't believe it! :)
  1.2 clio
isn't the colour code on the drivers door frame buy the lock ?? get the code and then u can find out what the proper colour is :)
  Astra Twintop
There should be a "D" and two numbers in the door sticker.

Post that up, and someone will be able to confirm.
