Hi all,
After living without a car for the last 18 months (too close to work to need one and the trains here actually turn up every 20 minutes!!) we decided now was a good time to buy a new toy. After looking around for a couple of months, we found a Clio 172 (or 2.0 Sport if you live here), 2 years old 35.000 km and picked it up last Thursday.
My initial reaction after driving it for the last 4 days is Get one, dont care if you have to sell body parts, its fantastic fun! Compared to my last car, a Saxo VTs, the power is fantastic. While the Saxo used to struggle to pick up from 80mph the Clio picks up instantly and then keeps going. Also, the ride doesnt seem as harsh as in the Saxo. Whether this is partly to do with the roads being in better condition here than in Britain Im not sure. So far the handling seems about the same as the Saxo, but the Clio has 17s for its summer wheels. Its too early to say whether I prefer the Saxo or Clio, after all the Saxo was a fantastic car for the 2 years I had it, but on first impressions, the Clio looks as much fun.
Ive got some pictures but I need to upload them to my webspace, then Ill post a link.