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I hate Orange!


  911 GTS Cab
Just sitting down to watch the Baftas, first up is the best british film and then I get a text.

Whats the text for, well its off Orange telling me what the best film is and the best actor!

I am so mad, I get to watch the programme knowing the ending. How could they do that to me when its just being televised.

I am pissed off.
  Mazda MX5
I work for Orange lol... I'm a Premier customer service advisor apparantly.. All i know is i get paid 17k to sit on my ass all night lol
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
Make a formal complaint and try and get some freebies out of them.

Gutted tho mate, what a joke giving that away!
  RARE Unmolested Corsa sxi
I work for Orange lol... I'm a Premier customer service advisor apparantly.. All i know is i get paid 17k to sit on my ass all night lol

you sent that text didnt you? knowing full well how much DK was looking forward to the Bafta's! lmao:rasp:
  Punto/Clio GTT
you know it was in the wrong section, dont start on me!

texts off orange = phones + broadband section.. go on... say it aint x
  172 Cup
I love you like that annoying brother you want to smack all the time (see it didn't go unnoticed) ;)


  911 GTS Cab
what the hell, this is definitely off topic, its about the baftas, the orange thing is just not relevant enough for it to go in the phone section lol!

If I was in charge......... ;)
What are Orange?

They are a Mobile Phone and Broadband supplier.

Dave, so what you're saying is if you were in charge, things would be in the wrong section? ;)


  911 GTS Cab
if thats the worst thing in your life atm you aint doing bad fella.
nope, i got a screw in my tyre on friday and it collapsed yesterday so I now have no car and a £200 bill for a new tyre and get to drive my dads diesel merc.

I never said ti was the worst thing in my life though, just rather annoying tonight.

Its like the FA Cup being televised 2 hrs after the event and you being texted by your phone company to be told the result when its your team playing and you couldn't get tickets for the game.

I love film and I look forward to these more than ANY football match!


  911 GTS Cab
What are Orange?

They are a Mobile Phone and Broadband supplier.

Dave, so what you're saying is if you were in charge, things would be in the wrong section? ;)
damn right, its the only way to fly, I would never have had as many sections as the seat website though in the first place;)

I honestly think this is GC rather than phone, and it seems griff agrees with me but I don;t mind, first time i have been in this section too, though I had rid of all those which mobile phone threads;)
