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i hit the kerb :/

  Renault Clio 1.8 RSi

the other night, i was turning left at a junction and as i was approaching it i was looking right to check it was clear so i didnt need to stop. i dont know why but i steered a bit too much left and the front left wheel clonked up the kerb quite hard. i was only doing about 15-20mph but from where i was sitting, it felt like a nasty knock. from then on im not sure if im imagining it but there seems to be something not quite right with the steering. as in it seems slightly vaguer than it was before.

so what i want to know is, what damage could i have done?

could have bent a track rod or suspension arm, get it checked by a place who do proper computer suspension alignment thats the best bet

i did a similar thing. I bent the subframe, needed new new track rod end and wishbone. Oh and the wing was slightly bent!!!!
