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I just passed my CCNA

As it says in the title really. Took the exam today, finished with 1 min 30 to spare. Damn you really cannot blag that exam.
Was thinking I'll start working on my CCNA Security tomorrow after a bit of job hunting.
We got any other networking nerds lurking on this forum? :)
  BMW F21 125d
Nice one mate. I remember when I passed mine first time, no feeling like it. Did you do it in one exam or the two ICND routes?

Bang in time too, doesn't the old exam expire soon for the new separate routing and switching tracks?


  911 GTS Cab
As it says in the title really. Took the exam today, finished with 1 min 30 to spare. Damn you really cannot blag that exam.
Was thinking I'll start working on my CCNA Security tomorrow after a bit of job hunting.
We got any other networking nerds lurking on this forum? :)
It was very easy to blag unfortunately, all the answers were very easy to find on the internet, for free, even the lab type questions.

But as of 1st oft they have brought out new exams with new material, so it'll definitely be hard now for a while until all the material gets out there again.

But it it is a good achievement, especially if you didn't cheat, unfortunately the majority of people do, even if you download example questions from the internet you are cheating.

A lot of people get scared into downloading the answers though as all the hype says its a difficult exam and so people don't want to fail it, so try to make sure they don't....


  911 GTS Cab
The majority of questions are from the actual exams though, and the ones that aren't are just slightly changed, only really the official stuff is legit. But if you have the chance to download sample questions or the actual questions, you just wouldn't be able to help yourself, well most people can't anyway.

The only accreditations that actually mean something these days are the ones that have you in front of a panel like CCIE or are pure lab based exams like the VMware VCAP.
  Not a 320d
What DK said.

I did my security this year. Its piss TBH, I put weeks and weeks of effort into revising the book and then passed it and was all like... wtf is that it. But then its easier when its your job and youre familiar with it.

Want my CCNP next, Id also like CCNP security some day. Id have the switch by now but my job has changed big time so been so busy I havent been willing to allocate the time to study it. Want CISSP too.

Oh and DK, thats wrong about not meaning anything. CCNA is worth something as is CCNP. Maybe not at your level.....


  911 GTS Cab
I didn't mean it's not worth anything, just not what it used to mean with the answers being so accessible these days, you don't even have to take the course or read a book to pass,

although that's hopefully what Cisco are trying to do to change that back to it being something worthwhile. I like what VMware do, they don't recognise the cert as a pass, even if you pass the exam unless you've completed the training course.


ClioSport Club Member
Congrats. I've always wanted to do some courses, but I've never got round to it. I plan on starting in the new year as I'm kind of bored of my job but have nothing to back up any of my skills to go elsewhere.

I'm not sure which route I'd prefer to go down tbh. I spend most of my time administering SQL databases and managing several Windows based servers in a small office. But I honestly prefer the networking side of things.
Good to know we've still got a few networking folk on here. :) I actually got it because I thought it might open up some doors for me and I've still not gotten a job in the networking field. :( Oh well, one will crop up if I keep applying and hassling people!

Made a start on the security course while I'm looking for a job anyway. It's quite a small course, I'll have this nailed in no time at all.

Does anybody have any tips for breaking into the industry? Only problem is I can do a majority of what people ask but I have no paper qualifications to say I can.
