Darren S
ClioSport Club Member
Ive no way of proving/disproving this, but here goes...
My car is 6 weeks old and since Ive had it, it pulls very slightly to the right. Hardly noticable most of the time, but every now and then, you could feel it. Id always put it down to the camber of the road, etc, so I wasnt particularly bothered - especially as the car itself was handling fine.
Noticed the rear tyre was low on Saturday and checked the pressure - a mere 2 PSI - disguised mainly by the nature of the run-flat Exaltos. I pumped it up to 30 PSI and that when I noticed the nail through the shoulder of the tyre wall, slightly hissing.
Ordered a replacement tyre (after I had ppl confirm that the tyre itself was knackered) which I had put on today. I checked the pressure this morning and it had only dropped to 27 PSI. In three and a half days, it had only lost around 3 PSI.
When the new tyre went on and I drove it back - the car was arrow-straight - no deviation or merest hint of pulling to the right. Maybe then, Ive had the puncture from the start? Could it be that I picked the car up from Renault with the nail already in it?
Hardly the biggest mystery/crime of the century, but Im trying to justify the £130 expense to myself in 6 weeks of ownership! Either way - new owners picking up their 182/182 Cups, etc in the near future - check your tyres before leaving the forecourt!!!!!