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Idiots a blue mk2 modded clio in Basildon

Last night (about midnight) I was picking my bro up from work in Basildon - wern't 100% on where I was going...
Anyway to the person driving the mk2 clio phase 1 with multi spoke wheels, don't boot your f*cking shed up my ass on a fooking roundabout:mad: your not cool !!
If i'd have touched the brakes, you'd have hit my car - and I wouldn't have been happy:mad:

If your on here, you give clio drivers a bad name:mad:
One other thing - take note of what I was driving, you wouldn't stand a hope in hell.
  BMW 330d :)
You should have slammed on your brakes... Would have screwed him for insurance. Some of his mods prob werent declared so he would get done for it.


Frasers Cup said:
You should have slammed on your brakes... Would have screwed him for insurance. Some of his mods prob werent declared so he would get done for it.


And you'd have no payout! Great! lol ;)
