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if someone stole your car!

  Clio GT 128
Child charges for Adult crimes though?? Just doesn't seem right to me.
How much older would he have needed to be to get the full porridge? a few months for them to be 16 at the time??

You have to be 18 to be trialed as an adult no matter the crime.

He's gunna be sent to one of those child detention centres until hes 18 most likely. Apparently 18-25 year olds don't go to full prison either.
  Westfield, 182, 200
Serves them right. There was a smash in Birmingham recently where they drove a stolen car the wrong way up a short dual carriageway, they hit another car and the thieves were killed. There's loads of flowers on the grass verge there now.
They were thieving scumbags who felt it was fine to risk killing innocent members of the public, sorry, but if it was one of my kids, a large part of me would think they didn't deserve to be on this earth and I'd failed as a parent.
One of the s##ts who tried to steal my ST last Friday looks about 14 years old-where are the parents??
car theft.jpg
Rant over :grinning:


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ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Serves them right. There was a smash in Birmingham recently where they drove a stolen car the wrong way up a short dual carriageway, they hit another car and the thieves were killed. There's loads of flowers on the grass verge there now.
They were thieving scumbags who felt it was fine to risk killing innocent members of the public, sorry, but if it was one of my kids, a large part of me would think they didn't deserve to be on this earth and I'd failed as a parent.
One of the s##ts who tried to steal my ST last Friday looks about 14 years old-where are the parents??
View attachment 1354484 Rant over :grinning:

Little c**t !


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Serves them right. There was a smash in Birmingham recently where they drove a stolen car the wrong way up a short dual carriageway, they hit another car and the thieves were killed. There's loads of flowers on the grass verge there now.
They were thieving scumbags who felt it was fine to risk killing innocent members of the public, sorry, but if it was one of my kids, a large part of me would think they didn't deserve to be on this earth and I'd failed as a parent.
One of the s##ts who tried to steal my ST last Friday looks about 14 years old-where are the parents??
View attachment 1354484 Rant over :grinning:

What happened then ? Did they get in it ?
Or did you kill the little b*****d and bury him in the garden ?


ClioSport Club Member
Child charges for Adult crimes though?? Just doesn't seem right to me.
I dont think there is a difference between adult and childrens crimes?
Saying wee and pooh to your mum may feel like a crime at 7, but still dont think its actually a crime.
Im sure when he does get released he will soon offend again as an adult ans get his correct term.
Also, ignoring the fact he lived, the rest dieing is just evolution working its course
  PH2 172
What I cannot get my head round is what were two 24 year olds doing hanging out with four boys under 16?
Especially as a 15 year old was the driver.
  Westfield, 182, 200
They picked or bumped the lock to get in, took them 70 seconds. Spent 40 seconds with the alarm going off trying to reprogram a key to start it, but I'd modified the diagnostic socket. They casually walked away and stole an st from around the corner 45 minutes later, somebody who works for the same company.
  Clio 172 ph2
If they stole mine, I wouldn't give a damn, our house is set up so if they want the car, they can happily take them without setting the house alarm off or needing to come up to us in bed.

Our cars are insured with agreed value on the Clio and the others are correctly insured so will not result in a loss that I'd care if they wandered, I'd rather the kids had no idea rather than one being dragged by someone to our bedroom so they get the keys.

The ones who died stole the keys off a Wilko till.

Got to agree with this also. Would be nothing worse than someone breaking into your house esp when you have kids there

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  Westfield, 182, 200
Several people have said to me, why not do this or that to prevent the car being stolen.
My answer is I'd rather they stole the car than broke into the house!
  PH2 172
Several people have said to me, why not do this or that to prevent the car being stolen.
My answer is I'd rather they stole the car than broke into the house!

Leave the car unlocked with key in the ignition.
Wire the ignition up so that car will only start when the seatbelt is secured in its clasp, but the starter motor still turns.
  172 Turbo
Got to agree with this also. Would be nothing worse than someone breaking into your house esp when you have kids there

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Key point I missed out is we live in a town house, so they'd get to a floor of 3 kids before coming up to our room.

Balls to that, take what you like downstairs.
  Westfield, 182, 200
If your saying this then why did you bother modding the diog socket?
Because I wanted them to think their kit was faulty or they were doing something wrong. I think visible deterrents are what may make them come in to your house.
ST was sold the same day and I have an old focus now!


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Because I wanted them to think their kit was faulty or they were doing something wrong. I think visible deterrents are what may make them come in to your house.
ST was sold the same day and I have an old focus now!

This makes me so angry that you sell a car just because of this fuckin scum !
Because I wanted them to think their kit was faulty or they were doing something wrong. I think visible deterrents are what may make them come in to your house.
ST was sold the same day and I have an old focus now!

Chances of them coming into your house are slim in reality. They're only after easy pickings.
Maybe if there was some serious metal sitting on the drive them it puts people at a higher risk but then if they were happy for a confrontation they could easily just drag you out of the car at a set of lights etc.
  Westfield, 182, 200
Chances of them coming into your house are slim in reality. They're only after easy pickings.
Maybe if there was some serious metal sitting on the drive them it puts people at a higher risk but then if they were happy for a confrontation they could easily just drag you out of the car at a set of lights etc.

I was thinking about this, I think you're right. Tends to be expensive stuff that's generally harder to steal that they break into your house for.
We had 2 new Fiesta ST's 9 months ago. We now have a 182 (the wife missed her old one) and a focus-£35000 down to £3500!


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Chances of them coming into your house are slim in reality. They're only after easy pickings.
Maybe if there was some serious metal sitting on the drive them it puts people at a higher risk but then if they were happy for a confrontation they could easily just drag you out of the car at a set of lights etc.

This is true tbh they will just move on to an easier target.
  megane 285 sport
I take my keys to bed, theyve got in once, searched down stairs for keys, couldnt find them and left with a few other items.
Reminds me of this old joke

A burglar broke into a house one night. He shined his flashlight around, looking for valuables when a voice in the dark said, 'Jesus knows you're here.'

He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight off, and froze. When he heard nothing more, he shook his head and continued.

Just as he pulled the stereo out so he could disconnect the wires, clear as a bell he heard 'Jesus is watching you.'

Startled, he shined his light around frantically, looking for the source of the voice. Finally, in the corner of the room, his flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot.

'Did you say that?' he hissed at the parrot.

'Yes', the parrot confessed, then squawked, 'I'm just trying to warn you that he's watching you.'

The burglar relaxed. 'Warn me, huh? Who in the world are you?'

'Moses,' replied the bird.

'Moses?' the burglar laughed. 'What kind of people would name a bird Moses?'

'The kind of people who would name a Rottweiler Jesus.'


ClioSport Club Member
and a bump for what is quickly becoming the latest craze in Yorkshire

A man whose car crashed into a house during a police chase has died.

The unnamed 22-year-old was driving a Toyota Auris when it hit the home in Smith Fold, Queensbury, Bradford, before striking a garden wall, at about 11:55 GMT on Friday.

West Yorkshire Police said the car had earlier failed to stop for officers and was being pursued.

