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iMac 27"

  Octavia vRS
Just getting it today and my god what a machine this is I'm in love already with it. Track pad is great as well just need to learn how to use thing now. Need a new desk as well because the one I had for my old PC is looking a bit dated now.
I still maintain it's the best thing Apple make. I love mine.

It's getting 16GB RAM soon.

But I will sell it and buy a new one if they make a bigger version.
Great pieces of kit.

Meant to be getting a 27" delivered today but it appears to have gone walkabouts with the courier :dapprove:
  Bus w**ker
I want one...but I also want many other things that cost a lot more that I "need". Such as multiple holidays and another new snowboard lol.

Will pick one up next year I think, may wait for the next model though...or I may not and just buy one in January.
  Mk2 Clio 1.2 16v
should be getting mine as soon as I get a new desk, will be going to get it from an apple store rather than order online, have to make sure I don't explode driving home with excitement though
