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Immobiliser Problem

Starting to have a problem which is getting more regular with the immobiliser...turn ignition on...immobiliser light flashes won't start..ignition off....back on..try again.
Normally it starts after the first cycle but tonight took 3 goes has anyone had/having this problem?
It sounds like a faulty imobiliser rign the ring round where they key goes can fail its a warently repair though.
  1.2 16v Dynamique.
Hi. Did you manage to get your immobilser problem sorted because I have a similar problem! Mine is doing my head in. Sometimes it starts fine. Sometimes the red light flashes and sometimes the red light stays on. If take the key out and put it back in the other way around sometimes it starts. WIERD. Im a driving instructor and I dont want this happening on a test. Can you imagine the crap I would get!!! :mad: HELP!


I posted bout this problem a few days back. I have to put the key in, turn it to setting before ignition, wait for 5 secs for light to go off, then turn....seems to work well doin that. If i just try and stat normally it wont.....
any fix wud be helpful
Hi. Did you manage to get your immobilser problem sorted because I have a similar problem! Mine is doing my head in. Sometimes it starts fine. Sometimes the red light flashes and sometimes the red light stays on. If take the key out and put it back in the other way around sometimes it starts. WIERD. Im a driving instructor and I dont want this happening on a test. Can you imagine the crap I would get!!! :mad: HELP!

I posted bout this problem a few days back. I have to put the key in, turn it to setting before ignition, wait for 5 secs for light to go off, then turn....seems to work well doin that. If i just try and stat normally it wont.....
any fix wud be helpful

Firstly try cleaning the key.

The sensor round the key fob is terriable its a common failure but the cables arn't much better so check both of them.
Hi. Did you manage to get your immobilser problem sorted because I have a similar problem! Mine is doing my head in. Sometimes it starts fine. Sometimes the red light flashes and sometimes the red light stays on. If take the key out and put it back in the other way around sometimes it starts. WIERD. Im a driving instructor and I dont want this happening on a test. Can you imagine the crap I would get!!! :mad: HELP!

I posted bout this problem a few days back. I have to put the key in, turn it to setting before ignition, wait for 5 secs for light to go off, then turn....seems to work well doin that. If i just try and stat normally it wont.....
any fix wud be helpful

Clean the key for starters.
The wiring and the sensor round the key arn't super regular failure points so get them checked if its not the wiring then its most likly the ring.
i have the same prob, jus had to wait for a bit, with mine its like the battery hasnt got enough juice to turn off the cars immobiliser, i open my bonnet and leave it for 5 mins or so and it eventually starts. interesting about the key thing though, will have a try, thanks guys.

i have the same prob, jus had to wait for a bit, with mine its like the battery hasnt got enough juice to turn off the cars immobiliser, i open my bonnet and leave it for 5 mins or so and it eventually starts. interesting about the key thing though, will have a try, thanks guys.

i have the same prob, jus had to wait for a bit, with mine its like the battery hasnt got enough juice to turn off the cars immobiliser, i open my bonnet and leave it for 5 mins or so and it eventually starts. interesting about the key thing though, will have a try, thanks guys.


If it didn't have enough power it woulnd't unlock the imobiliser ever.
I had this.

Access code from Renault = £16
New key from Renault = £90ish
CliP programming somewhere like Rentech £POA
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Cleaning the key wont do anything, the active components are:

An RFID chip inside the key, this is a small coded chip which has a capacitor and a coil for an antenna which is charged up by a radio signal sent out by the reader device which has a coil of wire as an antenna, around the ignition key hole.
The chip is only "live" while the key is in the ignition and the two antennae are in close proximity.
A second antenna in the ignition lock side, reads the code sent by the chip and verifies it inside the engine management ECU and allows the start sequence.
No matching start.

I have had lots of cars with this type of device and I have fitted hundreds of aftermarket versions of the RFID immobilisers and I have never seen the problems that Renault cars suffer from (presumably Citroen and Peugeot are the same) It appears to be a French thing.

One thing I wondered was the possibility that on the RHD version they (Renault) may have not altered the system for this market.

I say this because my present cars (both German) and the aftermarket units I fitted, have a time limit during which you can start the car after opening and closing the drivers door. The reader is also only powered up by this sequence. (The remote locking has the same effect of starting the timing sequence)

The reason for this is fairly obvious if you think about it, its to switch the reader device off, if you are not going to start the car, otherwise it would be on all the time, drawing current.

Could this be another one of the anomalies of the RHD Renault cars, like the single lock on the passenger door and the strange central locking that doesn’t operate from the drivers door lock, only the passenger side??

One “trick” that might work, is to note which way round the key is when it works first time, because the RFID chip is mounted on one side of the key, you might get a better “read” that way round………don’t know why it should but hey….its French !
  Racing blue 182 turbo :-)
It could be the fuel pump relay mine went today it did the same thing took a few times to start but ten give up
