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Induction Kit

Just been out with my mate who has fitted an induction kit onto his VTR.

Its really loud now. Any idea what bhp it would have added? This is the only mod he has done to it so far.

I was thinking of getting one for my 182. Would it make a big difference and how much?

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep

If its an open kit then the chances are it will have lost power. The pipercross viper and BMC CDA are both sealed units and apparently very good but are about £200 upwards i think.

From what I have read, the Citroen/Peugeot engines respond quite well to simple breathing mods such as an Induction Kit. The Clio on the other hand, especially the Renaultsport variants, gain very little in terms of peak power. This could be due to the airbox on the 172/182 already being a well designed piece of kit..... but thats just a guess.

Avoid an open induction kit at all costs as this will lose you power due to the high air temp in the engine bay (although they do sound fantastic on the Clio!!). Hot air is bad, cold air is good!!!
  172 cup,s2 rs turbo

the thing with the hillpower kit is that its not fully enclosed. its like an open kit protected by heatsheilds with an extra air feed so with this one you get a decent amount of induction noise like a fully open ik kit. pleased with mine anyway and im sure it made a slight difference.
