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Inside windscreen cleaning?


Seems every time I use the aircon in my car it makes the windscreen greasy after a short while. Why, I don't know... but I'm a fussy b*****d and if there's 1 part of my car I insist on being clean it's the windows.

Outside is sorted, I use AG Glass Polish stuff and AG fast glass... but what about inside? What products to use and how to apply it? Standard issue microfibre?

Ta, Dan.
I use a microfibre for cleaning it weekly, just a quick rub over. It sounds silly, but I pop Rainex on the inside of all of them every so often, which seems to stop them getting so dirty.
Follow the instructions but generally I clean the window first, then spray (if you put it in a spray bottle) or pour it on a cotton cloth (old tshirt works fine) and apply it. It should hazes up after two minutes or so. I then use a wet microfibre and wipe in a circular motion, then a dry microfibre or cotton rag and wipe again the same direction that I did with the wet one. Works a treat. Lasts about two months or so.
Cheers, I meant the weekly microfibre treatment... just wipe over the screen dry?

Or do you apply the RainX weekly?
I never use rainx, just heard too many bad reports of people having to, and struggling to, remove it because it goes all foggy and "off".

I use fast glass everytime I clean the car, so once a week. If it starts to look worse than usual I will spend an evening glass polishing them all.

I am the same Dan, took my tints out of the windows for the exact same reason, just didn't look clean enough!!
LOL! How the hell did you find that out? Looking at photos on my facebook page in the car and spitting the coke out, I'm that good looking?

Oh hai x
How did you guess, my sweetums?!

Nah, it's something to do with it removing alcohol - I think. I don't know TBH, but it works. LOL.



ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Can someone come and clean mine? I haven't cleaned my windscreen on the inside. Ever.
I was in my mates car the other night, she'd never cleaned hers either. I used my flip flop to wipe it. It works well on 5" thick smeg.
  Golf GTD Mk7
IPA works well with 2 microfibre cloth use. One to apply and the other to buff off (prevents streeking)
IPA works well with 2 microfibre cloth use. One to apply and the other to buff off (prevents streeking)


Tom, I'll do it at Trax
  Bus w**ker
Fast glass and a Dodo Juice Mint Merkin MF. Or if I'm out of FG I go pikie with the old wives tale of vinegar, fairy liquid and warm water plus scrunched up news paper to apply and remove.
QD won't clean, it'll just wipe and not smear fella. Need something a little bit more chemical than that.
  120d M Sport
QD won't clean, it'll just wipe and not smear fella. Need something a little bit more chemical than that.

Mine are never that dirty anyway as they're polished with AG glass polish fairly regularly but cheers :rasp:
  Megane R26
Some QD's make good glass cleaners, as they have cleaners in them for paint (finger prints for example), so I'd tend to agree with Alex, but it depends on the QD.

Best bet for interior windscreen is an AG Palm Applicator (blue one) and a decent window cleaner, such as the MarkV one from RubbishBoys. Fast Glass will do though.
  120d M Sport
Some QD's make good glass cleaners, as they have cleaners in them for paint (finger prints for example), so I'd tend to agree with Alex, but it depends on the QD.

Best bet for interior windscreen is an AG Palm Applicator (blue one) and a decent window cleaner, such as the MarkV one from RubbishBoys. Fast Glass will do though.

Russy x

Never tried one of these before, any good?
