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Install Begins - Help everyone

  Megane Trophy
Right On tuesday if my ipod to sony headunit connector arrives i shall embark on the task of fitting all the sounds in the clio.

I need to fit

Sony Headunit with the stalk controls
Front Focals Amped
Rear Focals from headunit
Install amp
Fit the sub
Put power lead through from battery
Connect ipod to sont headunit and into glovebox

Everyone ive heard say thats its a total mission in the clio!

The plan is to get the dash sorted 1st - headunit, tweeters, stalk control,

then get the amp powered etc

Getting the dash top off?
Speaker Grills
Where to put the amp power lead through the bulkhead
Tools Needed??

Any help will be very much appreciated :D
  Black Clio GT
you will be pushed to do it properly in a day mate!!

i would personally just run the fronts off the head unit as well as the rears then you should well easly do it in a day!! ;-)
  BMW M135i
You'll never do it in a day if you've never done it before, we I put all my ice in my first clio is took me about 3 days from start to finish because I was a voyage of discovery and I was learning where things can go from the start.

When I did my second one I did it in about 8 hours total I think, the mission is getting speaker cable into the front doors though, I came up with another idea for that in the end instead of fighting cable through the door grommets.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
i always found gettin the power lead through the bulk head the hardest - usually ends with a stiff and sore back, rest is easy
  Megane Trophy
ive fitted 4 installs in my previous cars, can do it fairly easily just want tips for the clio and where the power leads goes?
  BMW M135i
Power cable will go through the bonnet release grommet up to a certain size, I've managed 4awg through it.
A tip would be to lube it up with fairy liquid because its tight as a ducks arse, will help it slide through easier. Once you've got enough to get a good hand hold of on the engine side your laughing.

And get some pics up once you've finished !
  Nike Lunar Elite's
Power lead through the grommet used by the bonnet release catch is your best option. That is the most difficult bit, top dash is easy, just a few screws and pull your Apillars off (guide in the articles section). Shouldn't take you more than a few hours.
  Megane R26
As per Power Cable, I drilled a hole in the bulk head, then grometed. Getting 4awg through the bonet lease is as Lock Stock would say "Tighter than a duck's but"

As for Dash, pretty easy, just A-pillars off, some torx screws, sterring colum cover off and lift foward and up.

Tweaters you should be able to fit in orginal places (was able to with my rainbows, after taking off their pods). Speaker grills just used the original, but for a better sound IMO, make mdf spacers for fronts. Easiest to use exisiting loom for wiring, just splice in the footwell I have run new cables but have yet to drill the holes out in the door conectors to get it thru and hide the cable.

Any problems, drop us a PM.
  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
just put a little slit in the exsiting gromet..worked for me and i had a power cable that was as thick as pack of rolos!
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
b3nje said:
just put a little slit in the exsiting gromet..worked for me and i had a power cable that was as thick as pack of rolos!
Double shielded 0awg??

How did you slit the grommet, just a single cut either side?
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
0awg probably won't fit throught the grommet so you'll have to drill a new hole through the firewall.
