MK2 PH2 & E46 330
I'm 18 and I'll be buying an RT soon, which will be lowered 55mm.
So far, Bell, Admiral and Elephant have all turned round and said no because of that. Although they are fine with it if i select the <5cm lowering option.
They all suggested i try some company based in essex they can forward me onto but i didnt get round to that.
So far, Bell, Admiral and Elephant have all turned round and said no because of that. Although they are fine with it if i select the <5cm lowering option.
They all suggested i try some company based in essex they can forward me onto but i didnt get round to that.
- Should i just select the <5cm option? its a matter of only 5mm. or will I get assraped?
- Should i phone up that random place in essex - anyone know about them?
- Does anyone have any other companies i can try? (im going to try HIC tomorrow when they are open)