please could people tell me if this sounds right to you or wrong?
people get done on their insurance for having a car with a powerful engine. because the car can pull of quick and possibly higger top speed so if the insurance company do this why in turn do they not grade you on i.e your insurance should come down if you have abs or if you have traction control or esp and also on the stopping distance or your car and the tyre grip factor.
reason i am saying this is because today i c a acciedent but only a small one their were 4 5 cars following each other and 3 of them were old cars the first 1 braked and stoped quick(new car) but the second one(old car) was well behind him and locked up but still smashed into the new car then the new car behind that was right up the 2nd cars ass but he still stopped in time but then the 4th and 5th cars(old cars) both locked up and went into the back of the new car.
dont know if ya all get what im saying but i think the way the insurance companys works is well out of order.
sorry for the long messages but really does get to me.