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Insurance claim advice

  Clio 80bhp DCI
September my car was stolen containing my sporting gear phoned the cops they flooded my hometown but failed to catch the car it was found burning a few hours later my gear stolen. (1st statement to police)

Called my insurance and made a claim (1st statement to insurer)

Viewed the car after the police had finished with it 3 days later met the insurance ascessor at the car "its a write of mate " but cant find any damage to the door locks or steering lock says he ill phone you later tonite and talk money ok says i

2 days later i phone the insurance asking about my claim and why no figures had been spoken of waiting on reports before proceeding i was told
insurance invesigator shows up takes (2nd)statement she says bout 4 days ill have my cheque.

week passes nothng phoned insurance was told the invesigator needs to call with me again to make another(3rd) statement.

Meantime ive been interviewed and statements taken by the police no less than 3 times.

Christmas rolls by still nothing but told by the insurance that they are waiting a report from the police before they can do anything so have to wait.

Feb 1st phone call from insurer we aint paying out with no damage to the doors nor steeing lock the car must have been stolen with the keys ya what i had the only key on me when the police came after it was stolen i got the car Used and only got one key with it this cant be right can it.

I havent seen the police report dunno if ill ever get to see it but it has added extra stress to say im pissed off would be an understatement

Insurance would seem to be a rip off this is the first total loss claim ive ever had and if this is how your treated wouldnt wanna make another good enough to take your money but when its time to pay out they do there best not too

And in my case succeed.

Anybody work for insurers or anybody in a similar position past or present have any advice
