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Insurance for 22 days??

  BMW M4; S1000 RR
Basically, insurance is for renewal on April 15th.

Birthday is on May 7th. Insurers are being buggers and saying I have to pay for the year at the rate for whatever age you are when you take the policy out (which is BS really considering it's 22 days out).

So does anyone recommend a certain method to go from April to May without taking out a year's policy ?? The saving is nearly £200 BTW so well worth it.

Is there a downside, other than a bit of hassle, to taking out insurance and canceling it after 11 days twice with a company that gives 14 day refunds ??


  Blue ph1 172
Could try that with the cancellation thing, use the more expensive places so you can still use the cheaper ones later on.
  M2 Competition
Leave the car in the garage and get the bus for 22days?

If possible?

Would also mean that every year after that the insurance will be much cheaper too.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
Yep Pep.

That's the plan. But I work 20 miles away (as the crow flies). No bus goes up there and even if they did, it would be so impractical.
