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insurance on a MK1 16v


Well at the mo i am drivin a 1.2Rt mk1 phase 2....modified qwite a bit but i was thinkin wats the point in spendin more time and more of my hard earnt cash on a 1.2 wen i can go out and buy a 16v and tune that up 2 the max!! ive been askin around and peeps say they go like sh*t of a shovel! All i wanna no is, is that correct and wat is the insurance like? im 18been drivin 4 about a year.....and also do u get many problems with my clio had minor problems but nothin to0o0o0o extensive! cheers !Clio Head!
  silver valver/hybrid

thing with valvers is that if they are looked after they are pretty reliable, but if they aint, and if something goes wrong it can become costly. they are quick motors and handle very well. insurance isnt impossible at 18 but dont expect it to be cheap!

not really had any probs with mine, its insured through and its a hell of alot cheaper than anywhere else by miles. Selling it now though!!!

Get a decent one and it will be ok.

To be honest though, maybe wait til your 19 because insurance will be much cheaper. I paid just over £1K at 19 on mine. Try HIC, they are very cheap and very mod friendly......

Valvers are not cheap cars to repair. If they go wrong then they do become costly, so make sure you get a decent one and do some research before buying one. If you do get a good one, then they are fantastic cars! Ive always loved mine.

Also, be aware of the maintenance bills. Things such as cambelts and clutches are expensive to replace due to the limited space in the engine bay. It would be wise to find out exactly what has been replaced/repaired on any car you see and when it was done.
