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Insurance Question - changes to your policy limit

Bought myself an impreza at the weekend and when I phoned up the insurers they got a bit funny as I have already made 4 changes to my car on the policy in the last year and they told me that 4 is the limit. Never heard of this before but they must have a feeling I'm a dealer or something I guess which is a right joke as you wouldnt be much of a dealer buying and selling 4 cars a year!!

Anyway this bloke on the phone had to get the approval from his team leader but he said if I want to change again it needs to be reffered to the underwriters. I cant see anywhere in the policy booklet about having a set limit, I dont see what the problem is either if I am paying an admin fee each time plus the additional cost of insuring something else.

This is with Churchill, one of my mates is with Admiral and made 4 changes in 1 month and no questions asked.

Anyone had anything similar to this happen?


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
By four changes to your car, do you mean mid amendments to your current vehicle or that you've changed your car four times this year?

If it's the latter, I'm not surprised they get a bit funny tbf. It's not unheard of for part-time traders to only deal with 4-6 cars a year.
  BG 182
That's happend to me before, If I remember correctly they told me because they thought I might of been a car trader due to me changing cars so often
  Mk2 Ph2 172
I have done the same I changed my car 4-5 times an a year the guy had to get permission from his line manager to make the change lol
Yeah 4 changes to the car insured, technically 3 cars as 2 of the changes were to the same car. Started on BMW 320d, then cup, 306 (as cup off road for a couple of months) back to cup and now scooby. Oh well wont be renewing with them next month anyway
Never had any bother and I changed cars a lot!

Was that with Churchill? When I got a quote in the morning the girl on the other end never mentioned anything about it so the bloke I got through to later in the day was maybe just a right jobsworth.
