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Insurance question?

  2 wheel power
When an insurance company asks how may miles you do annually, does this matter? I have a mate with a vtr who has told his insurance company he does 1000 miles a year and this explains why he has it so cheap! 1600 fully comp. In the event of a crash is he screwed?
Not thinking of doing this just wondered
  2 wheel power
Thats what Iv said but he claims 'it was an estimate' I told him that this would not stand with his insurance company, am i right?
  2 wheel power
Agreed. He is a right cocky little sheite aswell. So his insurance company could invalidate his insurance?
Agreed. He is a right c**ky little sheite aswell. So his insurance company could invalidate his insurance?

yep saves them having to pay out on a claim ...... only way they will find out is if he has a claim , then they'll do him over :butt: ....easier tiger
  Milltek'd 182
theres no way of knowing how many miles he's done though? i havent told my insurance company/anyone how many miles my car has, so they can say nothing unless he bought it brand new?! :S
^^^^agree but some insurance co. do ask these mileage question and would be able to check mileage done from mot information .....
  Milltek'd 182
ooo good point. thats a shame, was going to start 'under estimating' the amount of miles i do ;) spose theres no point now...spoil sport! lol
lol .......... they do try to find any reason not to pay out , so dodgy grounds tbh .
any minor mistake they will contest insurance validation :S
  Milltek'd 182
i no its a pain in the arse...worries me that people can mod cars, sell them and the new owner has no idea like upgrading a filter and are probably driving with no insurance! i dont get how ur supposed to accurately guess how many miles u do a year, and how close do u have to be to the actual figure for them to make ur insurance valid!!?
I hate insurance companies, the guy who owns Esure lives up the road a a massive house with fountains 5 garages big gates the lot while im left paying through the nose for insurance because other people my age are drink driving etc.. and pushing my premium up!!
  A Fcukin Car
Better change mine then cos told em I wud do 5k an under a year, had the car since August an done over that already lol
the mileage question is an average thing , they dont want you to take the p1ss i suppose by saying you do 1k a yr :eek:


  ST on the way...
What if you lend your mate your car and they put 6k on it? It's not YOU who's done the milage.
  Milltek'd 182
What if you lend your mate your car and they put 6k on it? It's not YOU who's done the milage.

good point, i have my mum and uncle on the policy as it brings the premium down...! hmm, its risky but could be quite easy to get out of depending on circumstances!


  ST on the way...
Exactly ;)

Plus i'm sure you've got mates who are insured to drive other cars? Such as yours etc.
  Milltek'd 182
Exactly ;)

Plus i'm sure you've got mates who are insured to drive other cars? Such as yours etc.

they are trying to take the 'drive any car' out of insurance policies now so check yours if it doesnt explicitly say it then u probably arent!

I think il just under estimate a bit when it comes to my next policy! but il check to see how much money it would save me!
  A Fcukin Car
Exactly ;)

Plus i'm sure you've got mates who are insured to drive other cars? Such as yours etc.

they are trying to take the 'drive any car' out of insurance policies now so check yours if it doesnt explicitly say it then u probably arent!

I think il just under estimate a bit when it comes to my next policy! but il check to see how much money it would save me!

I thort I was until I checked an they said no.
  Blue Clio 182
I told them i would do about 8k a year and i did that in 6 months so i rang up to change it and it went upabout a tenner a month
he new owner has no idea like upgrading a filter and are probably driving with no insurance! i dont get how ur supposed to accurately guess how many miles u do a year, and how close do u have to be to the actual figure for them to make ur insurance valid!!?
I hate insurance companies, the guy who owns Esure lives up the road a a massive house with fountains 5 garages big gates the lot while im left paying through the nose for insurance because other people my age are drink driving etc.. and pushing my premium up!!
There a insurance agreement that stuff like this wouldn't count against you in the instance of a calim you'd have to be reasonably accurate a car which has wheel up in its arches and makes a load of noice anyone can tell isn't standard plus if its a young lad driving etc there going to not let them use that card.

You can accuratly guess give or take 20% your ring them up to tell them about more.

If you ever see how much insurance companies make on the basia policies you'd hate his job they make money on the extras plus per policy he'll make very little of his money. There enough companies out there fighting for business its very tight margins.

What if you lend your mate your car and they put 6k on it? It's not YOU who's done the milage.

Doesn't matter about the car tho, they ask how many miles YOU do per year :)
Its the amount the policy holder car will do don't other with the I drive it 1k my mates drive it 20k a year they'd refuse to pay (depends on company some would just pay out lesser settlements) you take them to court few mates or family would lie under oath just to protect you.


  ST on the way...
Its the amount the policy holder car will do don't other with the I drive it 1k my mates drive it 20k a year they'd refuse to pay (depends on company some would just pay out lesser settlements) you take them to court few mates or family would lie under oath just to protect you.

Thats a bit extreme, I was thinking like you do say 10k a year and you could quite legitimately lend your friend/family your car and they put 1-2k on it.
