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Insurance upping premium with naff all notice

  Mondeo TXS Bardge.
hi folks,

i recently took out a policy with bell, when the documents came through 2 days later there was a mistake they had me down as "Ms". I called up straight away and got them to change it (got the nam eof the call handler i spoke to) i asked if there would be an increase to the premium and i was told there was no charge and new doccuments would be out shortly. Which they did again a few days later, and i was well chuffed and i treated my self to a new camera with the money i had saved.
i went home to day after spending the weekend at the girlfriends to find a letter from bell, stating i changed my gender and that they would be shortly debiting £171.15 from my account. i called them up and was told the person i spoke to the last time was talking rubbish and that it is company policy to amend the premium. i told them that if they check the tape i asked expressly is there an addition to my policy and i was told not at all , now they have changed their mind. I was also advised they would be taking the money tomorrow!! i dont have £170 left as i get paid next monday(25th) they advised all they could do was defer the debit until the 26th.

it still gonna be cheaper than i was quoted else where by all of £3 but it not the point can they just change their mind after 2 weeks and just take money from my account?
I had spoken to them a couple times since the change to "Mr" quoting mods etc, and ther had been no mention of an outstanding balance or anything.

Is there anything i can do other than just pay??

Any help much appreciated.
Write a letter of complaint, or cancel it and go elsewhere. Even if its the same price with other insurers its the principle.
Phone again, ask to speak to a manager and explain it again. Request a copy of the call transcript and state you will be contacting the Financial Ombudsman if they debit your account as the tape will clearly show you were quoted no additional premium.

*predicted outcome*
lost tape, premium waived..

thats what i would do anyway..
  Mondeo TXS Bardge.
i've been back on at them again i chipped away and the customer service manager is going to listen to the tapes and contact me tomorrow. so i'll see what happens. thanks for the advice guys.


Did you provided the incorrect information (online for example) or was it recorded wrongly by the phone operator?
  Mondeo TXS Bardge.
i purchased the insurance on line but i have no proof either way if it a mistake i made or if its been a freak admin problem as non of bells correspondance other than the hard copies of the insurance made no reference to gender, only addressing me as Ross.
I dont have a problem with paying an addition to my premium, my problem is that when i noticed the error( the day the policy came in), who ever made it, i called them up on their customer service number and corrected the error, and when i explicitly asked if ther would be an additional cost to my premium because of this change i was told categorically no. and the amended policy came out a few days after with no mention to an outstanding balance, and in none of my communication until i recieved this letter on saturday almost 3 weeks later, including getting quotes for amendments to the policy was any outstanding balance mentioned, they just asked if i wished to take up either of quote x, y and z. The other complaint was it was that they waited until i was out of the 14day cool off period and the policy was into full swing ( the amendment taking place a week before the start date) that they decide to spring this on me, and they did not request and additional cost they told me they were taking the money £171.15. and as i said luckily (i arrived home and found the letter at 15:45 and they closed at 16:00) i called to complain yesterday because the payment was scheduled to come off this morning, by the only help the guy i spoke to could offer was to defer the transaction until the day after i get paid.
but i'll see what the service manager decides tomorrow.


Yeah I can understand your frustration but I believe the fact of the matter still remains that you/they had insured the car under a female driver.
Changing to a male driver will undoubtedly incur a higher premium (as we all know).

As you say though if they stated there should be no increase, then there shouldn't be, but IMO you will have your work cut out proving that as already stated above.
  Clio 172 PH2
I'm with bell too. They got my reg wrong so had to get docs changed. They were also slightly dearer (£5 or so) than what they had quoted me previously. Can see how they fd yours up mate. Keep on at them they seem pretty incompetent tbh. They obv employ monkeys so they can give cheap insurance!!
  Mondeo TXS Bardge.
i know, thank god for training purposes they recorded the calls.

if it was my work and we misquoted or client or noticed we hadnt priced some thing but the project was already accepted and ineffect, the admin (depending on the size of the error) would be getting a toe right up their ring, and if they really stuffed up the kick would project them out the door.

ive had to transfer money to my account just incase they dont defer the payment, the last thing i want is black mark on my credit history and bank charges etc for having a refused direct debit/going over drawn!
  ph quick
Refuse to pay, i had a simialr problem with elephant as they put my car down as a X reg 91 instead of X 01, when i checked my policy i noticed the mistake so phoned up to get it amended, they wanted another 108 quid, so i refused to pay insisted that it was their fault as i was sure i wouldnt make that mistake, they escalated it and had a few more calls, in the end i said id pay half to get them off my back but they checked the tape and found it was their mistake so i refused to pay any extra and demanded the manager, then the managers manager so they waived the charge to shut me up i think...
  Mondeo TXS Bardge.
they've not phoned me yet, i dont know whether to get on chasing a decision or give them until tomorrow. its now been 25hours hours so far and they said it'd be atleast a 24 hour turn round.
If they promised today, give them a ring. Again this promise will of been recorded ;) The evidence of incompetence is mounting!
  Mondeo TXS Bardge.
we'll scag your prediction was almost correct. having given them 2 days to call me back i called to chase. i was told that they had not found the tape yet but they now had 3 ops looking and they would let me know within 3 hours. an hour passed and i got a call stating they only had half the call on the recording. they admited they had misadvised me however they were adimant that i had made the initial mistake. and they would not insure me with out an increase to the premium. however because i attempted to
  Mondeo TXS Bardge.
(sorry for double post but my PSP would not let me type any more)
rectify the error at the earliest instance and had been honest and added to their misadvice they offered to meet me half way or to cancel the policy without charge. i chose the former as it was less hassle. but i managed to get them to knock another £10 for the call charges it took to resolve this. So i'm only paying £75 now not £171. so i'm chuffed, it could have worked out alot worse.
