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  fiesta 1.25
Im fuming now :mad: I got a qoute about 2 weeks back on my mums insurance for a 172 .As im 18 it has been hard to find a reasonable qoute but i went on the barcleys site and they would insure my mum as the main driver and me as the additional driver after 1 years of driving and 500 excess for £1000 i went on the site today to check it and it wont let me get a qoute now and says all additional drivers must be over 25.i have an email saying i have that qoute for a month so should i ring up and see if they will let me have it for that.
  mk5 VDUB polo
insurance is ridiculous. i've just passed and i'm getting quotes of about £4000 for a 1.2 with my mum on my policy aswell!!
  fiesta 1.25
Its bollox the system should have atoumaticly told me that i had entered something wrong .It does this now and says to ring up.When i got a qoute a while back it just gave me the qoute and just changed me to 25 when i entered my own date of birth.I have a saved copy of this qoute but i doubt they will cover me .Ill ring them tommorow .This is shite!!!
  fiesta 1.25
Right found my qoute and and it does say £950 but then i go into buying it and it outlines its terms etc and says it doesnt insure people under 25 yet the computer still didnt stop me from getting a qoute nice one!! and im sure this wasnt the case about 2 weeks ago the policy was never you had to be over 25. Can i do anything about this? or will they win?
