I'm wanting to network all our house upto a pc I've had lying around the house for years. I understand that I can network all the electrical appliances via the main electrics in the house, but I can't remember the name of the switches I need to buy!
Can anyone tell me the name of them? Hard to explain them in a forum too.
They're basically a normal switch, except a bigger panel. Can use them as normal light switches oir as a dimmer switch if it's held in. When you remove the cover, there's 2 turnable switches which you turn for it to be identified as a certain name - ie; Turn the notches to B on one switch and 2 on the other, and you can access the lights remotely by calling commands to B2
Can anyone tell me the name of them? Hard to explain them in a forum too.
They're basically a normal switch, except a bigger panel. Can use them as normal light switches oir as a dimmer switch if it's held in. When you remove the cover, there's 2 turnable switches which you turn for it to be identified as a certain name - ie; Turn the notches to B on one switch and 2 on the other, and you can access the lights remotely by calling commands to B2