Page cnnot be displayed, iv had that a s*it load 2nite
Page cnnot be displayed, iv had that a s*it load 2nite
Glad i'm not the only one. I'm going to blame Rob for hogging all the bandwidth!
Sorry all gone. lmfao
lol, i love threads like these.
this is like asking somebody in america if their kettle stopped working because yours did in england.
fair enough if your local exchange has an issue, or your isp has an issue, and somebody else is on the same isp or same exchange, but just asking somebody if their internet is down is really pretty useless.
"the internet" doesn't just go down.
Orange went down this week and this affected hundreds of thousands of people, only takes one of the biggest ISP's to have an outage and you have a substantial number of people without access!lol, i love threads like these.
this is like asking somebody in america if their kettle stopped working because yours did in england.
fair enough if your local exchange has an issue, or your isp has an issue, and somebody else is on the same isp or same exchange, but just asking somebody if their internet is down is really pretty useless.
"the internet" doesn't just go down.