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iOS7 - Features/Screenshots

  Clio 172
Beta 2 has made my phone alot worse tbf.

Sometimes, When pressing a button to unlock, it just show my wallpaper, no "slide to unlock", time or anything.
When I open messages, it just shows a white page, a few hard resets sorts this.

Multitasking is awful. When I open another app, it takes 4-5 seconds for it to get to the actual app, and not the image it saved of me last using it, and it ALWAYS resets the app (for example, Tapatalk, every time I open it it's back at the main screen, with the list of forums I use)
Closing an app freezes the phone for 2 seconds
Emails crashing when I try and search
Can't switch to numbers/symbols on the keyboard sometimes, Mail did it 2 minutes ago.
When you have a "scroller" for numbers, etc in apps, (like choosing a time for alarm), there is nothing dismayed, but you can scroll and select.

I have closed all my apps, it helped a little bit, but it still isn't brilliant.

On my 4S it does feel pretty slow and crappy, used my GFs dad 5 and it feels much more refined and responsive.
  Clio 172
Yeah I know its a beta, my post was mainly a useless "review" of the beta 2. Other people was saying what problems they are/were having, so I added the bugs I had seen, as I saw no one else talking about them. And mainly comparing the huge difference I saw between my 4s and the 5. I'm not moaning or complaining, otherwise I would just downgrade again.
  BMW F31
Anyone having problems with their notifications of texts? Only vibrates/sounds when app is open. If phone is asleep it doesn't alert.

Yes I know its a Beta, no I don't care, yes I would like to see if anyone else has this prob as a Google search didn't show much. Thanks


ClioSport Club Member
Anyone having problems with their notifications of texts? Only vibrates/sounds when app is open. If phone is asleep it doesn't alert.

Yes I know its a Beta, no I don't care, yes I would like to see if anyone else has this prob as a Google search didn't show much. Thanks

Slide up from bottom and check you haven't activated 'do not disturb icon' if your on beta 1 it doesn't given you any indication its activated on the home screen
  320d M Sport
Anyone having problems with their notifications of texts? Only vibrates/sounds when app is open. If phone is asleep it doesn't alert.

Yes I know its a Beta, no I don't care, yes I would like to see if anyone else has this prob as a Google search didn't show much. Thanks

Getting it with whats app yea.
  BMW F31
Getting it with whats app yea.

Couldn't reply yesterday, stupid 5 post limit!!

No I was getting it with iMessage but managed to turn it of and on and restarted phone and it worked, although I now have the same problem with fb notifications too. Roll on beta 3.


Dunno mate, just preferred the simpleness of the old version. I'm sure I'll get used to it.
I'm the opposite. Rather kill myself than go back to iOS 6. Used one the other day. It was like waking up in 2007.
It's worth it just for control centre. Awesome feature that should have been there years ago. Shame it doesn't also include VPN and cell data toggles.
  Clio 1.2 16V
App store fine here too. Running a lot better on the iPad with beta 3, don't miss iOS6 for sure!
Have Apple stopped bricking non dev account iPhones running iOS betas? It always seemed to be a massive risk - however, I know of five people who've obtained iOS 7 and are running it on thier iPhones. They've all been running it from practically the second the first beta was released, none are anything close to devs or having dev accounts - yet thier phones are all working fine.

It can only be a good thing, as it gets people talking, playing about withand getting used to the update months before it sees the light of day. If it's a concious Apple decision, if not - the people on here and those who i know who've done it must be just very lucky.

I haven't because I can't be bothered - but i have been impressed by what I've seen.


ClioSport Club Member
Looks awesome on the iPad. Will the new icons be incorporated into Mavericks OS too?
  Tesla MP3 2021
My Messages app is foooked after updating to Beta 3.

I have 4 new messages and every time I open the app it crashes :(
