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Ipad won't back up to computer but will on iCloud.

Herr Flick

aka Herman Ze German
Trying to back up my old one to put everything on my new one. plug it into itunes, click on backup and it goes through the process of saying backing up etc but doesn't actually back up.

It backed up on icloud but not on itunes.

Any ideas?
Have you checked the save location?
Try clicking restore and see if you get a list to choose from and see if it's there?
Also, go to settings on the ipad and I'm pretty sure there's a setting for backups and you choose to backup to cloud or computer.

Herr Flick

aka Herman Ze German
Yeh, i have selected to back up on itunes. On the screen it says the last back up was 20/8/12 but doesn't come up with an error message etc. Just says backing up but doesn't actually do anything.
My new ipad has backed up fine.
